How to Make an Artist Website: The Easiest Way

Learn how to make an artist's website in 4 easy and simple steps. You'll see examples and get tips with step-by-step guidelines to create the website.

by Sumaiya Begum • 18 October 2023

Imagine if Picasso were among us today. What would he do to showcase his fantastic artwork to the world? Would he arrange only an art exhibition and expect people worldwide to fly to the venue?

I don't think so. He would not miss the opportunity to use a website to showcase his artwork. On this prospect, no-code web builders are making it easier and more effective for you to exhibit and sell artwork online. 

In this post, I will discuss how to make an artist's website the easy way. I will cover everything from choosing a domain to publishing your own website.

So, let's begin to take your passion and career to the next level!

How to Make an Artist Website in 4 Easy Steps

Here are the 4 steps you need to take to create a professional looking website as an artist:

  1. Step 1: Get a Domain Name
  2. Step 2: Select a Website Builder
  3. Step 3: Create the Website Using the Builder
  4. Step 4: Include All the Necessary Information in the Website

From designing your own website's layout, creating a domain name, and finding the right web builder, making a portfolio website requires a deep run on the go.

Today, I tried to compile all of these sticky and poking tasks more simply so you can make your art shine brighter. So, here it comes-

Step 1: Get a Domain Name

A domain name is your online identity; it is the first thing visitors see when they arrive at your website. It acts as your virtual address and aids in establishing credibility and memorability.

Getting a domain name does not mean you need to have it only for an artist's website. But websites for every type of business can't avoid this step if they want to create an online presence.

Here are some primary stages you should not miss out on while choosing a domain name-

Search Online for Ideas

You can give your eyes thorough research to brainstorm ideas from other artists' websites. Think of something unique, something that would reflect your artwork. 

Avoid Numbering and Keep it Memorable

Avoid names that are hard to pronounce. Usually, having foreign words, symbols, and numbers on your domain name may confuse your potential clients and make spelling mistakes. As a result, they may end up landing on other websites instead of yours.

Get the Perfect Domain Name Extensions

Domain name extensions are also known as the top-level domain(TLD). Domain name extensions stand for the final component of a domain name. Some examples of domain name extensions are .com.mail and .org.

Avoid using domain name extensions like - .gov, .edu, and .info for your artist website. Specifically, avoid those extensions that are used for a particular purpose. Instead, you can go for .com for your artist's website. 

Check Availability 

The domain name you have chosen also can be taken by others before you. I know it's heartbreaking, but I want to save you from this pain!!  

So, before you start seeing sweet dreams with your desired domain name in the daytime, please, give it check on a domain name generator to see if it is available or not. If you end up as the third one, don't get depressed. There's always more fish in the sea. You can still find better suggestions from domain name generators.

Register Your Domain Name

Once you unearth an available domain name, you are ready to register it from domain name registrar sites like- Namecheap or GoDaddy.

👉 You can also read our more comprehensive blog about how you can choose a domain name.  

Step 2: Select the Best Website Builder 

Instead of breaking your knuckles and writing codes to build an artist's website, you can build a site within hours using a website builder.

With a proper website builder, your site will be optimized for SEO when you create it. You can find the best website builder among the top website builders on the market from our comprehensive guide. 

No-code website builders make it easier and faster for artists to make an artist website.

Would you mind if I shared some factors you should not miss out on while choosing a web builder? I bet you will not regret reading it.

Ease of Use: Suppose you have found a web builder offering a bundle of features to make an artist's website. But the learning curve is very high!! Believe me. You will find yourself shooting your hands and legs together in the middle of the sea with these types of web builders.

Choose a website builder with a low learning curve offering advantages like- a drag-and-drop interface or an easy-to-use site editor.

Pre-made Templates: Opt for a website builder with a broad collection of templates that will open a vast opportunity so you can brush your aestheticism on your own website without any struggle.

Customization Opportunity: Customizing your templates helps you stand out from the crowd and helps you build your brand identity.

Affordability: There are a lot of builders that cost more than they are worth. Go for the builder that matches swiftly with both your budget and needs.

Device Responsive Option: According to Statcounter GlobalStats, 59.81% of traffic comes online from mobile devices. So, don't make your artist website split out from the competition for not having a device-responsive site!!

Customer Support: If you face any issues while creating your artist website or after publishing, it's vital to have technical support on the go. So, ensure the builder you are choosing is always there for you to provide their support.

What Dorik Website Builder is Providing You

Besides the features I have mentioned above, you will get many more features to create your artist's website with the Dorik website builder. I have been using Dorik to build websites for the last couple of years now, and I can confidently recommend it.

Swipe your glance on some of the more features you can enjoy with Dorik, a top website builder for artists-

Collections- Create your own collections of items and use them whenever, anywhere, on any section of your site while creating them.

Native SEO- You don't need to make yourself sweated to make your website search engine optimized. It's all set up on Dorik.

Strong Integrations- Make your site stand bolder with integrations for analytics, social media connection, payment methods to sell art online and even live products, and many more things. 

Free SSL/ HTTPS- Dorik provides free SSL/ HTTPS certification to build your client's trust and make them feel safer browsing your site.

Hosting, Global CDN & Unlimited Storage: You need not worry about the web hosting plan because Dorik takes care of it. Once you create a site in Dorik, it will be automatically hosted. The platform uses AWS (Amazon Web Services) & DigitalOcean web hosting services and serves static content from its Global CDN to provide a flawless experience. Most surprisingly, you will enjoy unlimited storage in every plan.

Content Management System (CMS)- Dorik's built-in blogging platform allows every user to write articles and publish them from their website and also serves the power to manage content.

Team Collaboration- You can add multiple team members and collaborate with them for almost every task you need to be done on your artist's website.

Step 3: Create Your Artist Website with Dorik

Now, I am excited to give you a sleek tour of how to make an artist's website using Dorik's pre-made template collection.

Visit Dorik, and create your account. Once signed in, you'll land on the beautiful platform to create your website.

Here are some steps that will make your journey easier on the go-

#1 Pick a Template

Designing a layout for your artist's website can be overwhelming. It requires graphic design knowledge, fundamental expertise in web design principles and laws, and much more.

But why should you take that impulsive pain if you can choose a pre-designed template and put some spices on by customizing it?

So, save your time by selecting a template from Dorik's pre-designed templates.

Designers, make-up artists, yoga instructors, voice artists, or any type of artist can choose any template from Dorik for their artist website.

dorik templates
portfolio templates

But, it would be easier and time-saving for you to choose a template from the personal portfolio section. Here, I'm selecting a template from the personal portfolio category-

personal portfolio template

In this template, you will have all the necessary pages and features you will need to have for an artist's website and to sell your artwork. Also, you can add more sections or delete any if you want.

#2 Showcase Your Artwork

The next critical phase of creating an artist's website is to add your artwork to the website.

Add visuals of your products or artworks, whatever you wish to promote through your site. Remember, your artist's website will resemble you and your brand to your visitors. So, stay wise with what and how much you are stepping forward to the outer world. Showcase your best artwork first.

Try to add product descriptions or a product bio. It can be some text that will describe the insight of your artwork to your visitors.

#3 Add Your Social Media Links and Contact Us Form

People will not always search and browse a website until they feel any need for it. So, how to make them connected without sending emails or messages to their inbox?

Add your social media profile links on your artist's website and open the opportunity for your visitors to get connected with you.

Besides that, a contact form is the most convenient way to collect visitor data and increase leads. You can connect and store your potential client's data with third-party integrations like- Pabbly Connect, Zapier, and Integromat on Dorik.

#4 Now Sell Your Art Online.

With Dorik, you can sell your virtual and physical products using your website. For that, you need to connect your digital payment services integration methods with it.  

Go to the 'My Works' section of the template we selected. 

my works section of a portfolio template

Click '+Add element.'

portfolio template preview

A new collection of elements will pop-up on your screen. Select 'Payment Button.' from all the elements. 

available elements inside the dorik website builder

Now, you can integrate your payment with Paypal, Stripe, Gumroad, and Paddle.

add payment button in your website

You can also change button settings from the style editor, including color, font, style, and all. Read the Documentation to learn more or watch videos on how to add third-party integrations with your website's payment button.

And, yeah, you are all set up to sell your product online and offline.

Step 4: Necessary Informations to Include in the Website 

Here are some pro tips you can use as a magic wand to make your artist's website perform faster and better!!

High-quality Images

 Do you know your website's images affect its SEO, and poor quality images can slow down your site?

According to Business Wire62% of Gen-Z consumers prefer visual searches on top of any other search types. Google search engine crawlers also crawl for content that provides more relatable and accurate results. Use lightweight and heavy format images.

Besides, 90% of the information our brain can consume is visuals, not texts or any other staff (Source: HubSpot). So, use this opportunity to simply grab visitors' attention and turn them into consumers.

Contact Details

Providing necessary pieces of information like- email address and active cell number helps persuade visitors to anchor up with you.


If you do not know your product's value, no one will pity to invest their time into it. Add some details of your artwork, tell the motto of this artwork, and let visitors fall in love with it!

Is the Product/ Artwork Available for Sale?

Save time without posting images of available products for sale. Instead, make it clear which pieces are available with a little product labeling. 

Is the product available for sale?

Here as you can see, Amazon has used Best seller product labeling to help visitors understand how trustworthy the product is.

Must-have Things in an Artist's Website

There are many features and information I have discussed earlier you can keep on your artist's website. But, there are features and components that you should have to make your website perfect as an artist's website. Give this a go, and use them on your site with your own aesthetic.

  1. Artwork page or a Gallery Section: Ensure your artist's website is art-focused. You can showcase the best pieces in a Gallery section and keep the rest with the others on a separate page.
  2. Artist Bio: The artist bio is the hook that inspires visitors to learn more about you. It works like a hook to make potential clients keep browsing your website. Meanwhile, an artist's bio or statement lets people know more about you and your passion.
  3. Testimonials: Testimonials are both a seal of approval and a blessing of disguise for your artist's website. The words in a testimonial from your previous customers behold the transparency of your artwork. Thus, a testimonial works effectively to gain visitors' trust and assist them in turning their interest into a decision.
  4. Social Media Linking: Gather more customers, and spend no money! Social media like- Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Facebook profiles help you reach more people in a faster and shorter period of time.

Why are Platforms Like Pinterest and Instagram Not Enough? 

Can you tell a client- "Visit my Pinterest profile if you want to see my artwork?" Does it sound professional?

While social media platforms may help you gather more traffic and sell products, they can not provide all the benefits you need to run an artistry business smoothly.

An artist's website is a silver lining that will make your brand more well-managed, organized, and professional in front of the world. Artist websites build your brand, optimize for SEO, and sell your products with more e-commerce functionality. It also helps you hold your passion's glow instead of just keeping you a hobbyist.

Some Real-life Artist Website Examples

Let's explore some of the top artist websites that will help you gather ideas and get inspiration for your website. 

1. Lirona

Artist Website Example

Straight to the point, the artist portfolio website of Lirona has brought forth the focus on the very beginning of its artist's website design.

The artist's attention to detail in choosing a bold, stylish font with a deep, light tone is attractive. The wide, cluttered photo gallery will help her visitors inhale the artwork's vision. She also anchored different landing pages with individual images so visitors could learn about this particular project with clicks. 

2. Maegan Guerette Photography 

photography website example

Abandoning the website on a soft white canvas, the artist's website of mg photography kept its rhythm with the artwork's theme and overall layout. 

As a photographer, Maegan incorporated her navigation bar menu and separate fine art pages. She also attached this navbar at the bottom of the website. Maegan made the best of her website by attaching her blog niche website on 'Info.' 


example of artist website

Sometimes, the simpler, the smarter. Charles is an award-winning digital artist. Keeping his artist website inherited only three pages- a landing page (where he showcases his artwork), an About, and a Contact page. This illustrator and the designer websites' the 'Work' and the 'About' speak louder. 

He used his about page powerfully to win customers' trust and build a relationship with them, so they instantly decide to buy his artwork now and in the future too. 


Artist Website Example

Well-organized focused, and simple — that's what comes to mind on the first look at this artist portfolio. The musician Hoyem's artist website is one page based on multiple sections. Visitors can check out his music albums tagged with the album's thumbnail and release date.

He integrated this one-page website with Bandsintown and Songkick to notify his visitors whenever he is around them for concerts. He also embedded his YouTube music videos in the 'Video' section and anchored his social media profiles on the 'Follow' page.

Can anyone build their own artist website without any technical knowledge?


No-code website builders are a do-it-yourself service that allows every persona, at every stage, to create, customize, and manage their website.

How to Optimize Your Website for Search-engines

You can follow many strategies to rank your site on Google and its alternative search engines. But, I would like to share a few key factors that you can easily follow-

  • Do keyword research thoroughly.
  • Build links to your site.
  • Write a perfect and effective website copy.
  • Update the website regularly, e.g.- blogs, site copy, and metadata.

How to monetize an artist's website?

Well, monetizing a website is a deep and wide sector to follow. However, I have conquered a few steps you can follow to get revenue from your artist website-

  • Become an affiliate partner.
  • Charge commission from other artists.  
  • Start blogging.
  • Start an Online course or create a YouTube Channel.
  • Sell your art products both virtually and physically based on clients' needs.

👉 Get more detailed insights from this blog - 12 proven strategies for monetizing your website

Shoot The Last Bullet

Finally, you are at the very last moment of the war. Shoot the last bullet and give the war an end. Taking the first step of how to make an artist’s website is like ending the final part of our idea brainstorming journey.

Now you are well-versed in every step you need to follow. It's time to begin the game of making an artist's website!!

Sumaiya Begum

Sumaiya is a technical content writer, and an admirer of furry animals and silent nights. Born and raised in a city known for its green hillocks. 

She spends her days writing for software builders and training young writers on one of the largest non-profit skill building organizations in the country.

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