How to Create a One-page Website in 6 Easy Steps in 2024

Wandering around to learn how to create a one-page website? Get practical ideas and tips from planning to publishing your one-page website here.

by Sumaiya Begum • 11 January 2024

Searching for the quickest and most effective way to build a one-page website?

A one-page website will allow you to showcase your unique skills and hard work to your clients online. It will stand as your voice to the person, and it works best to increase client conversion rate. 

Freelancers, photographers, and other professionals who do not have a variety of content to display can create a one-page website rather than a multi-page website.

So, in this guide, I will show you how you can create one in 6 easy steps. 

Step-by-step Guidelines to Create a One-Page Website 

When you decide to create a website, whether with a no-code website builder or by writing custom codes, knowing some primary steps, for instance, website components, would be a blessing for you.

But if you don't know them, that's OK too. You can still create a single-page website following these 6 easy steps:

  1. Step 1: Utilize Effective Components of Single-page Websites
  2. Step 2: Get Familiar with Some Design Facts
  3. Step 3: Create a Content Plan
  4. Step 4: Work on Website Development
  5. Step 5: Add Social Proof and Testimonials to Establish Trust
  6. Step 6: Launch Your Website

Now that you know the steps, let's dive into the details.

1. Utilize Effective Components of Single-page Websites

According to TechTarget, an identifiable part of a more extensive content or program is a component.

Scroll down to learn several vital components for a single-page website that you should maintain while creating one for your own.

Simple but Catchy Visual 

Research found 94% of users create their first impression relying on its design. 

So, understanding the viewer's perspective and matching it with your service would be great to grab their impression. 

 Add Actionable Calls-to-actions (CTAs) 

Since a one-pager website does not have additional pages like -about, team, or services, it beholds all these pages in a single page as different sections. Therefore, these types of websites need to have some actionable hyperlinks to help users get connected. 

A call To action is a crucial element for a website's performance. These can be a pop-up button, a sign-up button, a form, or an anchor link. 

For a brief overview, you can have a read on INSPIRENIX's write-up.  

Product massaging and Power Words  

People will visit your site to learn more about it and to get some information that they did not know before. 

Product massaging allows one to introduce the benefits of their product to their targeted audience. 

It's the most significant opportunity for a person to make their target audiences into successful clients. 

And here, punch words work the best

Use powerful words that grab the user's attention, like- 'Free,' 'biggest,' 'instant,' 'expert,' 'eye-opening,' 'easy, 'amazing,' essential,' etc. There are three types of power words: Seductive, emotional, and sensory. 

Read more about how and where to use power words on your website from RankMath's brief research article on this basis. 

Showcase Your Service or Product. 

service or product showcasing

One of the primary goals of building a one-page website is to let others be intimate with your skills or the service you provide. 

Your product sections encourage your visitor to scroll more, simplify your message, increase conversion rate, and lastly, allow you to get customer data from this section. 

Display your products and services naturally in a section, and let visitors find them by scrolling or using jump-link. 

2. Get Familiar with Some Design Facts 

What makes a website stand out in the crowd is the design. To create aesthetically pleasing designs, web designers maintain and follow some design principles and laws

From adjusting the correct color scheme to choosing the right font, web design principles come with an effective strategy. 

There are a few principles and laws, including Gestalt law, Fitt's law, and Hick's law one-page websites may use to create a standard design structure. Moreover, you may prefer to use some trendy web designs to help your website stand out. 

Prefer to add some important details to your website to create the perfect user interface design and user experience. For instance, utilizing easy navigation, using white space, and keeping consistency in user journey flow. 

3. Plan Your Content 

A website, whether a single-pager or multi-pager, has to have mandatory things like- A contact form, a product showcase area, your story, an informative but clear footer, etc. 

So, before you start building a website, plan your content.

What would you like to add to it, what will be your target and which product do you want to give your focus on? 

Planning helps a person bring forth the best output. 

So, utilize your website by planning the content you want to implement. 

4. Work on Development 

As you have collected all the grist you need to execute into your one-page website, there are a few steps to develop the website. 

Here we go—

Decide How to get started—writing code or selecting a website builder?

Finally, you will give your web design life in this step. Contents that have been designated during the time will be put together to create your very one-page website. 

While creating a website, some prefer building it by writing codes, and others prefer relying on a no-code web builder. 

Here, especially for one-page website creation, no-code web builders help the best.


Only some people who want to build websites are tech experts. Besides, it is a rough and tough job for people with no coding knowledge. Thus, website-building platforms come in handy here. 

Learn more about beginner-friendly free website builders with templates to get yourself going for it quickly. 

Utilizing a top no-code web builder, you will develop, customize, personalize, and, yes, save a ton of time while building websites.

Which platform to choose? 

There are many one-page website-building platforms, including Carrd, Strikingly, and many more. 

Among them, Dorik is the best drag-and-drop web-building platform which allows people to select a template, edit its visuals, and attach their likings to it at a reasonable price. 

Rather than choosing only one-page functionality, isn't it better to have all website features, including white-label, free templates, global CDN, native SEO, and a cost-effective platform? 

In that case, Dorik could be your first choice. Give it a try for free.

How to create a single-page website with Dorik?

Here are the simple and practical steps to create your website:

Step 1:  Choose Classic or CMS plan to start. You can select the Classic plan if you don't want any CMS functionalities.

Step 2:  Choose the template from the enrich Dorik Template library.

Choose any Dorik template to create a one-page website

Step 3: Edit and add your content on page editor.

Page Editor of Dorik

Step 4: Now, you can 'Save' for edit later or publish if you are done editing.

If you want to add a header menu, you should add jump links to the menu section for a one-page website. For instance, you have the menu item "contact us" and want to create a link that will take you to the "contact us" section. Adding "#Contact_us" to the end of your main domain( will take you to the specific section on a page.

👉 Do you want to know how to create a Contact Us page? Check this step-by-step guide on how to create an effective contact us page.

5. Add Social Proof and Testimonials to Establish Trust

Social proof is a phenomenon that brings trustworthiness and emulates the behavior of customers of a website. 

Here, in Bizzabo, they have used a clean and effective testimonial section that would help their visitor know about the company, their production values, and all. 

bizzabo- testimonials example

You can add testimonials to your one-page website without any hassle from Dorik´s pre-designed testimonial sections.

Dorik section library


6. Launch Your Site 

Making a website, especially with a powerful no-code platform, is convenient. And the steps to make a one-page website with Dorik help you save time and assist get outstanding results. 

After setting up and building your site, it's ready to be published. You do not even need to buy hosting and the pricing plans are also reasonable here. 

Just click 'Publish' when you are done with all these, and yep, that's all you need to know about creating a one-page website

Can I make a One-page Website For Free? 

Yes, you can. 

With Dorik, you can design, customize, and to be specific, you can build your own one-page website for free. 

Is a One-page Website Better than a Multi-page Website?

One-page website is a groundbreaker if you focus on a targeted audience. 

Besides, one-page website assists with mobile friendly design to bring forth more customers on a site.  

Last Words 

Your one-page website is the accommodating part that works for onboarding new clients to your site. Keep every content related as each part of your website operates as an integral pinion.  

Follow these steps and enjoy your journey from planning website design to publishing it!

If you need any ideas or have suggestions, reach us in the comment section.

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Sumaiya Begum

Sumaiya is a technical content writer, and an admirer of furry animals and silent nights. Born and raised in a city known for its green hillocks. 

She spends her days writing for software builders and training young writers on one of the largest non-profit skill building organizations in the country.

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