How to Create a Landing Page in 6 Easy Steps

Want to learn how to create a landing page without any technical skills? Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating a top-notch landing page.

by Zaki Rezwana Chowdhury • 4 July 2024

Got a new product to promote? Want to turn website visitors into leads? Create a landing page is your first task.

These focused webpages turn visitors into leads and customers.

In this blog, we'll cover everything you need to know to create high-converting landing pages, including:

  • Defining your goal and audience
  • Best platform to create and design landing pages
  • Writing persuasive copy
  • Optimizing for higher conversion rates

Let's start in detail.

What is a Landing Page?

landing page is a single specialized web page designed with a marketing or advertising campaign in mind. It is intended to persuade the visitor to take a particular action, like making a purchase or filling out a form for more information.

Landing pages are an essential component of digital marketing since they let companies target particular user demographics and monitor the success of their campaigns.

How to Create a Landing Page in 6 Easy Steps

To create a landing page, you should mark the following steps.

Step 1: Determine the Purpose of Your Landing Page 

Before you start creating your landing page, it's important to understand clearly what you want the page to accomplish. 

Determine the specific need your landing page will serve.

What kind of purpose do you want it to serve?

Do you want to sell a product, collect information, or generate leads?

Knowing the purpose of your landing page will help you decide what content to include and how to design the page.

Step 2: Choose a Platform

There are many landing page builders that you can use to create a landing page. When choosing a platform for building a landing page, there are several factors to consider:

  • Features and functionality: Explore the features and functionality before making the final choice. You need features to effectively convey your message and achieve your goals. 
  • Ease of use: Look for a platform that is easy to use and has a user-friendly interface. This will make creating and editing your landing pages easier, even if you have little to no coding experience.
  • AI features: To save time and cost, you should choose ai-enabled landing page builder. That will help you to generate landing page with prompt and improve copywriting.
  • Integrations: Consider any integrations you may need with other tools, such as email marketing or CRM software. Choose a platform that offers these integrations to make it easier to manage your marketing efforts.
  • Pricing: Some landing page builders may be more expensive than others, so consider your budget when making a decision.
  • Customer support: Look for a platform that offers good customer support in case you have any questions or need help with your landing pages.

It may also be helpful to read reviews and try out demos or free trials of different platforms before deciding. This will allow you to see how each platform works and determine which one is the best fit for your needs.

All these things sum up in Dorik- AI website builder. The platform provides all the features and functions to create an elegant landing page for free. You can easily build a landing page as you want with its huge customizable template collections. 

There are advanced features like - membership, customer form, payment integrations,custom fields and collections, white label features etc. Amazing, right?

Its enormous components and templates literally make it the best landing page builder out there. 

Step 3: Create a Landing Page with Dorik AI

You can now create a landing page in seconds using Dorik AI, the best AI website builder. All you need is to write a prompt. Just describe what you want. The AI will generate full functioning landing page that converts leads. 

To do it, follow the below instructions:

  • Sign Up to Dorik AI.
  • Click on the “Create New Site with AI” button from the Dashboard.
  • Input the name of your website and write a description/prompt.
  • Additionally, you can select your preferred language
  • At last, hit the “Generate Your Website” button.
Create a Landing Page with Dorik AI

You landing page will be ready in seconds. Dorik AI will not only create your landing page, it will provide you with engaging content and relevant images. 

You can also create a landing page with Dorik website builder. Just choose a template that aligns with your landing page interest. 

dorik landing page

Then, customize it with your landing page information. You are set to launch your first-ever landing page with Dorik.

Step 4: Customize Your Landing Page Design 

You have complete freedom to customize any templates or regenerate any page with Dorik. Add your brand logo and high-quality graphics, and customize the necessary pages with your product message. You can also add different sections from UI elements. 

All Dorik templates and AI generated pages are device responsive but you can customize them how you want them to look. 

If don't choose templates, you can start from scratch with same customize ability with no-code.

Template Customization
Template Customization

The landing page’s design and layout play an important role in how visitors feel about your product or service. Putting extra effort into how your landing page would look is necessary.

To solve the hurdle of finding unique and elegant design resources, Dorik Illustration comes with spectacular illustrations that anyone can use on their landing page for free. You can simply try them on your website and landing pages.

Dorik free illustrations

However, you can generate premium illustrations or images that will instantly capture the attention of your audience and help them visualize your message with precision by using Dorik AI. Generate your ideal image directly in Dorik with a prompt, avoiding the "doom" scroll on other platforms.

Step 5: Create Compelling Content to Attract and Retain

To attract and retain an audience, it's important to create high-quality, engaging content that addresses the needs and interests of your target audience. This can include various types of content, such as - articles, blog posts, videos, podcasts, infographics, and more.

Dorik AI Copywriter lets you generate compelling, relevant, and polished copies directly within the Dorik website builder. You can create content by writing prompt as you need. 

Here are a few ways to content that will attract and retain customers:

  • Clear and compelling value proposition: Your value proposition should clearly communicate the benefits of your service or product and how it meets the needs of your customers.
  • Easy-to-understand content: Keep your content concise and easy to understand. Be careful using jargon or technical language that might confuse your audience.
  • Testimonials/ social proof: Customer reviews and testimonials, and social proof, can help build trust and credibility with potential consumers.
  • Powerful headlines and subheadings: Your headlines and subheadings should be attention-grabbing and clearly communicate the benefits of your service or product.
  • Strong and clear call to action(CTA): Make the CTAs simple and easy for visitors to take the next step, whether signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or filling out a form.
  • Device friendliness: It's important to optimize your landing page for devices since more and more people access the internet using various gadgets.
  • Testing and optimization: Test and optimize your landing page regularly to improve its performance and increase conversions. This can include A/B testing different headlines, calls to action, and other elements to see what works best.

Related Read: How to Use ChatGPT to Write Marketing Copy

Step 6: Publish and Make Your Landing Page Effective

 You can preview your unpublished landing page with Dorik. If you are satisfied with your landing page's content and design, you can publish it with one click.

A landing page is created with a specific goal. To achieve the goal, you have to make it high-performing and effective. And you need help with marketing and SEO to do that.

Check out this ultimate checklist for creating a top-notch landing page that converts effectively

You can research keywords to make the content search intent and add a call to action(CTA) right after the heading or sub-heading. Also, use a clear and concise message throughout your heading. 

Make sure your landing page has a good page speed. Use analytics tools to measure performance. Do social media and other marketing strategies to promote and reach the crowd. 

Consider using user analytics software and tools to observe visitors' activities. And optimize your landing page accordingly. You can also perform A/B tests using popular tools like VWO or Optimizely.

3 Landing Page Examples for Inspiration

Top websites have the most high-performing landing pages. If you look into their content, you will be amazed to see that they all are simple and easy to understand. 

To make the fact clear, below we are mentioning some top websites landing page examples.



Dorik is a no-code website builder. They help individuals and agencies to create their websites without writing a single line of code. 

Looking at the heading, you can see that they have a clear and concise message that you can build beautiful websites, and your clients will love it.

In the subheading, they address how as an agency, you will be benefited from their white-label website building facility. And right after that, they invite you to take action by showing the pricing. 



Asana is a project management and task-tracking tool that helps teams organize, track, and manage their work. They help teams to collaborate and manage projects without juggling through many platforms or places. 

This landing page was created for their google ads. You can see in the headline; you are getting a succinct message that this single platform will manage your projects. In the subheading, they address challenges you face, and they assure you that they will handle your project from day one.

And right after the heading and subheading, they invite you to ‘Get Started’ button. 



Canva is a graphic design platform that enables users to create and edit visual content such as images, graphics, and presentations. Canva offers a range of design tools and features that make it easy for users to create professional-looking designs without needing specialized design skills or software.

They try a conversational approach in the headline by asking visitors what they will design today. 

In the subheading, they give a brief on how easy and industry-level design you can make with them. And then they are inviting you to sign up for free. 

Which Platform Should You Choose for Your Landing Page?

Choosing a platform for your landing page can be intimidating. To find the right one, you have to explore a lot of options. 

To make your task easy, we recommend you try Dorik, a no-code website builder. It offers all the things to make a high-performing landing page. And all of this is in their free plan. They have static and CMS(Content Management System) landing page builders. Both come with free and paid plans. 

The free plan has all the functionality necessary to make a simple landing page. On the premium plan, you get upgraded facilities and features like button, client billing, etc. you can always start free and then upgrade if necessary.

So, try Dorik - the best platform for landing page building.

FAQs on Creating a Landing Page, Answered

Why are landing pages important?

Landing pages are an important tool for businesses looking to drive conversions and track the success of their marketing efforts. 

  • Conversion optimization: A landing page is designed specifically to convert visitors into customers. By focusing on a single goal and removing distractions, businesses can increase the chances that a visitor will take the desired action.
  • Measurable results: Landing page allows businesses to track the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns and make data-driven decisions about how to improve their efforts.
  • Targeted marketing: Landing pages can be customized for specific marketing campaigns, allowing businesses to target specific groups of users and tailor their message to the audience.
  • Increased credibility: A well-designed landing page can help to build trust and credibility with potential leads and customers, increasing the likelihood that they will take the desired action.

Related Read: 11 Key Benefits of Landing Pages: Unlocking Their Full Potential

What to look for when creating a landing page?

When creating a landing page, there are things you should consider to make your landing page conversion a successful one. They are - 

  • A clear and concise message: The message on your landing page should be focused and easy to understand. It should explain the value of your product or service and why the visitor should take the desired action.
  • A powerful call to action: The call to action (CTA) is the most important element of your landing page. It should be clear, prominent, and compelling, and it should make it easy for the visitor to take the desired action.
  • A visually appealing design: The design of your landing page should be easy to navigate and visually appealing. Choose a template that aligns with the niche. Use images, videos, and other visual elements to help illustrate your message and engage the visitor.
  • A focus on conversion optimization: Your landing page should be designed with conversion optimization in mind. Remove distractions and make it easy for the visitor to take the desired action.
  • Device responsiveness: More and more people are accessing the internet from their mobile devices, so it's important to ensure that your landing page is mobile-responsive and looks good on all devices.

Related Read: 19 Best Practices for Landing Page

How to make a landing page for free?

Website builder(such as Dorik) makes it happen to make a landing page for free. No code website builder makes it super easy to build a landing page with its tools and templates. 

The landing page can be both static and CMS(Content Management System). A lot of website builders offer a free plan with basic functionality. Depending on your need, you can start with the basic one and then upgrade. 

With Dorik, a no-code website builder, you can create a landing page for free with almost any functionality. And both in static and CMS(Content Management System).

What is the difference between websites & landing pages?

A website is made up of a number of linked web pages that typically include a homepage and other pages such as a contact page, an about page, and a page featuring products or services. A website is usually designed to provide a wide range of information and functions to its users.

In contrast, a landing page is a separate web page designed with the intention of advertising a good or service. By offering details on a particular good or service and a form that visitors can use to get more information or make a purchase, a landing page is built to convert visitors into leads or customers.

In general, a website serves as a comprehensive online presence for a business or organization, while a landing page is focused on a specific action or conversion. A website will often have multiple landing pages within it, each targeting a specific goal or offering.

What are the types of landing pages?

There are various types of landing pages depending on the needs. Below are some examples of different types of landing pages –

  • Lead generation landing pages: These pages are designed to collect contact information from visitors in exchange for something of value, such as an ebook or a newsletter. The goal of a lead generation landing page is to turn visitors into leads that can be nurtured and eventually converted into customers.
  • Click-through landing pages: These pages are designed to encourage visitors to click through to a different page or website. They may be used to promote a product or service, or to drive traffic to a specific website or page.
  • Sales landing pages: These pages are designed to encourage visitors to make a purchase. They typically include detailed product information, customer testimonials, and a call to action to purchase the product.
  • Webinar/event registration pages: These pages are used to promote and register attendees for a webinar/event. They typically include information about the topic of the webinar, the date and time of the event, and a form for visitors to sign up to attend.
  • Thank-you pages: These pages are shown to visitors after they have completed a desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form. Thank-you pages may include additional information or offers, or may simply thank the visitor for their action.

How to write a great landing page copy?

Great landing page copy ensures great conversions. When writing a landing page copy, you should focus on things like - 

  • Use a clear and compelling headline: The major value of your product or service should be conveyed in the headline, which should also catch the visitor's attention.
  • Use bullet points: Bullet points make it easy for visitors to scan the page and quickly understand your product's or service's key features and benefits.
  • Use clear and concise language: Be careful using overly complex language. Keep the copy simple and easy to understand.
  • Use social proof: Including testimonials, endorsements, or case studies can assist in developing credibility and trust with potential clients.
  • Include a call to action: Make it clear what you want the visitor to do next. Do you want them to fill out a form, make a purchase, or sign up for a newsletter? Make the call to action prominent and easy to find.
  • Optimize for mobile: Many people will access your landing page on a smartphone, so make sure the page is mobile-friendly and easy to navigate on smaller screens.
  • Test and optimize: Run A/B tests to see which versions of the page perform the best and continue to optimize and improve the page over time based on the results.

Related Read: Best AI landing page copy generators

Closing Thought

A landing page is the new marketing attraction. Whether your goal is to convert, market, creating credibility, there is no other better way to do so. 

Businesses and organizations use landing pages to generate leads, promote products, increase sales, or analyze. The landing page directly talks with the visitor about your product or service. You have to be cautious of what to put and what not.  

Above, we cover every aspect of - how to create a landing page without any technical skills. With these guided steps, you can build an effective landing page in no time. 

Good luck building your landing page.

More Dorik Blogs on Creating Websites

  1. Do you want to learn how to build a portfolio website? Read this step-by-step guide.
  2. Are you looking for the best practices for landing pages to boost your site’s conversion rate? You’ll find all the tips and tricks in this ultimate guide.
  3. Learn web design principles and laws guides to design quality and standard webpages.

Zaki Rezwana Chowdhury

Zaki Rezwana Chowdhury is a content writer at Dorik. She writes about technical and non-technical things. She has a degree in computer science and enjoys exploring new technologies. Zaki is an avid reader of fiction and non-fiction books. She enjoys rhetoric content, nomadic life, and lollygagging. Outside work, Zaki spends as much time as possible away from blue screens with her family and friends.

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