Creating wedding websites is becoming a common task nowadays. Most brides and grooms are making their wedding events more relaxing and exciting by creating a website.
It takes time to generate ideas and create websites all on your own. But, as a wedding couple, this time is more precious as both of you need to finish other essential activities.
Well, if you are here today and reading this article, you will explore 30 good Wedding Website Examples to get ideas for your own wedding website.
So, relax and enjoy your wedding without any stress.
Wedding Website Examples
Below, we have arranged a significant range of beautiful wedding websites in this article. Here, you will find a wave of variety while glancing over each example.
So, sit tight and let your mind gather the best ideas.
1. Rachel & Ross

Rachel and Ross is an exclusive and unusual wedding website example with a countdown on the very front page. It is a pre-planned wedding website with a few categories on the navigation menu bar.
Though a lot of time is left for the wedding party, the couple plans to continue uploading photographs of their beautiful moments on the website.
The building process of this wedding website design has followed unprecedented steps, and there is no place for wedding guests to give time management excuses as the website was launched long before the wedding date.
However, if you are confused about the wedding website building process, you can give yourself a go with our How To Create A Wedding Website step-by-step guidelines.
This beautiful website has been built with Dorik, the best website builder without writing a single code.
So, you can visit Dorik to get more wedding website examples from various wedding website templates.
2. Sierra & Beckham

Apart from a vast collection of wedding website examples and templates, this website of Sierra and Beckham´s big day has built up with an autumn vibe using the Dorik template.
The couple also ended up with a few pages adding a bunch of necessary information.
Instead of purchasing a domain name, the pair felt it okay to build their site with a free plan from Dorik.
Note: If you are willing to choose a domain name from domain name providers on the market, try to go through our guide to choosing a domain name.
3. Daniela and Moe

Daniela x Moe is a custom wedding website that will let you dive into the world of illustration. You will feel that the couple has artistically organized their stories and wedding details in a field of flowers, plants, and bright hues.
As you will scroll down the one-page based website, a step-by-step journey through Fun facts, Events, Reception, and RSVP forms will blow your mind with amusement.
4. Jennifer & Michael Ray

This website's wedding theme of Jennifer and Michael Ray has a ray of somewhat light and fascination. Though it is simple, it will entice you to see more of this wedding site.
If you are looking around for footer examples of your wedding site, check this website's idea of attaching an image on the footer section, unlike any other wedding website templates.
👉 Related Read: How to Create Valentine's Day Website Experience
5. Baharak and Saleh

The pair Baharak and Saleh´s wedding website example has simple and easy usage to get it nailed by covering all their wedding details.
The color scheme of this wedding website matched the flourishing background. It gives the vibe of upcoming beautiful and valuable moments of the couple.

Although keeping the theme of flowers, the couple has come out with a soft and modest color palette.
They also have added a Google map along with the time and wedding venue, which will help their guests find the core wedding details they need. Thus, they have utilized local SEO optimization for their website.
6. Katherine and Christopher

The website Katherine and Christopher have built for their wedding has the most details a destination wedding website needs. When you just go to the landing page, you can see a decent and beautiful high-quality image of the couples.
Then when you scroll down the event details section, you will notice that they have added details about the venue, event schedule, and all.
The color scheme between the text and background has given the smooth touch of the wedding and made it attractive too.
The information they have included on their website is beautiful engagement photos, dress code, who will be there to perform music, travel details, accommodation, etc.
The effort they have attached on the website to give their guest list proper guidelines, from arriving in the new area to traveling to several places, reflects their love and care for their guests.
Check out Best Travel Website Examples

On their wedding website example, Sarah and Stephen have come up with the most eye-catching personalized design that beholds high-quality images of the couple.
Keeping their website's color scheme smoothly related to the background of their images, matched up together aesthetically.

Their Guests can find it entertaining by attending the quiz they have added just below the first section. You cannot deny this; it is both of the couple's nature that they have reflected in an artistic way on every particular edge of the website, from image selection to selecting the text´s font.
As the website is based on 1 page, they have personalized it with only a few mandatory sections.

When your guests will get informed about your wedding, within a second, they will inquire, "Where is the venue?"
And Samer and Gentry rocked it here as they have added venue information on the very first section of their wedding website. Even keeping the text in a bright color and asserting it above the menu bar is perfect enough to draw attention. It is super helpful for those who are in a hurry and trying to roll their eyes to get an overview of the website.
They have also added a FAQ section containing the most important questions their guests might ask for. Dividing each section into a particular part and keeping these on different pages results in a well-organized wedding website.
9. Mark & Grace

The color palette of this couple's big day website has brought up their unique choice and liking.
Being out of the flow, Mark and Grace have built their website with a black background and keeping the font style simple that ideally goes with the background.
The couple also kept the styling exceptional by keeping the font bold contrary to the whole website. On the ´things to do´ page, the couples make their website more stunning by suggesting spots to visit for the guest who will be joining from the countryside.
10. Claire & Troy

Designated with the most eye-soothing font style of this beautiful and astonishing website, the couple Claire and Troy have wiped their love on the wedding website in the prettiest way.
The image quality of the couples, wearing not gorgeous outfits like others, but with regular clothing –The pair customized the website in the hassle-free way they preferred it to be. This wedding website looks furthermore romantic with the lovely font Claire and Troy have used.

Simple, elegant, and touched with nature and green. A modish website for couples that they will love to build, saving their valuable time.
12. Morgan & Daniel

Flourish with the attachment of white and spectacular images of the ever-charming couple. Matching a wonderful color scheme with text font and their clothing has added elegance to this romantic website.
PS: You can gather some ideas about what to put in your website’s Registration wishlist by glancing your eyes at this couple's gift registry.
13. Andrew & Linn

Waving chili lake behind the high green hills, the website of Andrew and Linn expressed the fondness of love with a depiction of colors on the whitespace.
The visible RSVP button just down the first section of the website is an appreciating one. You will also love the ‘Detail for the weekend,’ which includes all the key information, including the dress code, and color scheme. This section of their website has been delivered to the guests in a most decent and lovely manner.

With the blossom of rose pearl color palette, matching with dark black font, the wedding website of Victoria and Luke will let you fall in love with its awesome customization.
The mind-blowing ‘Add To Calendar’ button of the ´Schedule´ section will automatically set a calendar on your device with a beautiful message.
15. Amy & Gib

Explore the big day´s website of Amy & Gib, which has been a splendid harmony of the couple's decent sparkling snaps with paintings of pine trees. The website showed their comical photos and a bucket of lovely stories where they added the names of groomsmen and bridesmaids.
Their website simply gets fetched with the huge number of whitespace in company with the calligraphy and black font color.

16. Denise & Chris

Bright and colorful, expressing the vibe of the upcoming most awaited day of the couple's life. With the pair´s high-quality photographs and an orchid flourish space, the background color pattern, which ranged from pig pink to pansy purple, wavered brilliantly.
You can’t deny the couple’s courteousness that they have attached to the Registry form's massage.

Apart from the most other wedding website on the internet, Stephanie and Adam´s wedding website color is embraced with the shade of glaucous and navy blue. The binding of gold with crimson flowers made it modern and simple.
Keeping it based on only 2 pages has given the website another pick to love it more.
17. Catherine & Jared

Lying on the black and white photography theme, the wedding website of Catherine and Jared has been beautifully cherished with a charming font style.
You can not take your eyes off reading the couple's lovely ´how we met´ proposal story.
Note: If you are a photographer, you can also create a photography website, where you can showcase your own wedding photographs collections as well.
18. Jared & Christy

A mobile-friendly website, which beholds an extra navigation bar on its footer. A vibe of Autumn with the wide firebrick space of the website. A range of high-quality photographs can give you a blush of the couple's bonding.
PS: The unique registry form of this website for both gifts and funds makes it unique from the others. ´The dinner seating chart´ is a unique way to help guests to locate their seats and those of their buddies without having to search around who is sitting at which table.
19. MACY and BYRON

Instead of keeping it as a pre-wedding website, the pair Macy and Byron rocked their big day´s website by uploading images of their celebration day.
Visitors can peek inside it to see the clips the photographer has taken, from the sweetest moment to the humorous recollections.
Their website is an amazing example for those who are planning a wedding with several destinations.

Lizzie and Spencer shared their big day´s information with the guests in a simple and applied way. But the cozy font style is enough to catch anyone's gaze.
You can guess the couple's hospitality as they have suggested accommodations along with every hotel's website link in a particular button. Their wedding website is built with a range of functionality that you can notice while using the hamburger icon on the top left corner.
21. Selena and Matthew

Pouring the essence of love in every pixel of the website, leaving a large amount of whitespace, and maintaining the most web design trend, the website of Selena and Matthew is simply romantic and aesthetic.

People who are unlikely to scroll down to find any information from a website can find the wedding website of Alina and Pavan unique.
You will notice the finest use of web design principles and laws on - color, font style, and balancing of elements on this amazing website.
What is the most noticeable creative idea on their wedding website is — instead of keeping registration for gifts, the couple asked for a honeymoon fund.

With the ray of sunset, the wedding website template of Jenny and Bob left a lot of white space, one of the web design trends. The flourish burnishes on the background smoothly adjusted with the font color and style as well.
The couple has also reserved a room block for guests with an available discount. The link to the hotels also has been added on a visible button to help guests go for it easily.
24. Rhi & Casey

Making guests feel adored for the destination of the wedding, the couple – Rhi and Casey, have put a ´View´ button just below the lovely photograph of the couple.
The theme of this wedding website is based on nature green, including a button color and map palette.
25. Casey and Ryan

The most established website among all wedding website examples with attractive and modern features. You will just be amazed by the arrow buttons; the way these things work on this website is —splendid.
Organized in a classy way, keeping every page apart for different purposes. The guestbook page and the ´our app option´ reflected the tech enthusiasm of the pair. Building each and every corner of the website without any failings and then adjusting the right calligraphy with a gray background makes it way beyond just a wedding website.
If a flourish illustration and bright color palette is not the one that goes with you, this wedding website would be the best suggestion for an idea.
26. Jessica & Liam

What you might notice the overlook that this wedding website is somewhat more eye soothing to look in. Jessica and Liam's pair have adjusted the font with a palette of calligraphy which may be why it has added a new pick to its design.
The couple also suggested some places to visit in the shiny, beautiful Chicago in the ´Things to Do' section.
It's hard to take your glance off the amazing website ornamented with floral illustrations and high-quality photographs.

With a dancing wave of multiple styles of calligraphy, Lucas and Mary´s website harmonized its way in a brilliant method.
The photos page of their wedding website has been organized in a suitable way that would give the feeling of watching their lovely photographs from your phone's gallery.
28. Jenifer & Michael

A scrollable wedding website with a fixed background upholding the vibe of nature and the color dark slate green. The photograph of the couple on the front page of their wedding website identically matched the illustration of the background of hills and pine trees.
The couple has compiled various destination ideas, from retail areas to art and sports galleries, in the section titled "Things to Do."
For visitors with diverse needs, such as to complete some last-minute shopping or casually pass the time if they arrived earlier, it can be constructive to add few visiting ideas.
29. Gabriel and Emile

When you first enter into it, the design and theme of the website will bring the plain and unornamented choice of the couples in front of you. Surely, a wedding website is a great way to express your liking to your guests. The theme of your wedding website will also help your guests to guess the environment of the wedding venue.
Not only that the website's outlook is exceptional, but this beautiful wedding website example is also built with good functionality. The menu bar has been linked with different pages such as - schedule, gift registry, photos, rsvp, etc.

The most unique and helpful thing on this website is— it has on-page cards of products the couples need. Guests who want to send gifts for the couples can directly order the products from staying on the wedding website without going to any other platform by clicking links.
30. Russ and Jess

On a theme of dark black with space and stars floating all over the background, Jess and Russ have built a wedding website that will walk you through fairy tales. Its visual elements and storytelling style has a fascinating touch that you can't withdraw your thoughts from it.
After reaching the bottom of their breathtaking wedding website, you can´t tell whether you have been visiting a website or traveling through a sweet love story.
In a word, the pair's website is the most exceptional and unique one you will ever visit as they poured their ideas and knowledge into it. So, try to jolt something that goes with you and your fiance's persona. Making the webpage more lively.
If you're interested in crafting your own personal website, dive into our blog showcasing stunning personal portfolio websites.
It's Time To Build Your Own Wedding Website, Now!
There are a bunch of wedding website examples with a range of variety on the internet. Try to build your one pouring the essence of your and your mate´s heart into it. To add a personal touch to the website, you can use a custom logo.
If you are going to build your wedding website today, you can read our guide to creating a wedding website. I hope this article will help you spread some sprinkles on your lovely sweet wedding celebration.
Let us know your suggestions and ideas on wedding website templates to muster our template collection more brightly. Don't forget to share your website with us once you have done with it.
Looking forward to hearing from you in the comment section!!