How to Create a Homepage: Step-by-Step Guide

Craft a winning homepage today with this comprehensive guide on "How to create a homepage" to captivate visitors and drive business growth.

by Zikra Tayab • 3 November 2023

Your website's homepage is the gateway to your brand. It displays your value and expertise and entices visitors to explore further. But creating a captivating homepage comes with its fair share of challenges.

Fear not! This comprehensive guide reveals the secrets of 'how to create a homepage' that leaves a lasting impact.

Read on to craft a homepage that drives business growth.

Importance of Your Website's Homepage

We are all aware of the advantages of having a website. Now let's explore some significant importance of a website's homepage. 

The homepage of a website is a dynamic hub. It allows brands to come online and enchant their audience. Also, it's a carefully tailored online storefront that leaves a lasting impression, engages visitors, and drives actions. 

A strategically optimised homepage is a powerful catalyst for business growth. Similarly, it inspires trust, showcases value, and guides visitors on a seamless journey toward conversion.

With persuasive messaging, captivating visuals, and intuitive navigation, your homepage becomes a gateway to exciting possibilities. It allows you to forge deep connections with your target audience and unlock the full potential of your online presence.

Must-Have Elements to Create a User-Centric Homepage 

A homepage contains some fundamental elements that you must keep to make your homepage more user-centric.

Let me help you to unveil and optimise your homepage with all the must-have elements.

1. Logo and Theme

A logo is the first identity of a business. Similarly, the theme is an essential element of a website's homepage. The theme's color scheme and content should seamlessly reflect its niche's relevance.

Moreover, when it comes to the Dorik website builder, the templates provide a pre-built demo logo and sections. 

This allows you to easily modify and update them according to your preferences, making the process a piece of cake. 

2. Navigation Bar

The navigation bar plays a crucial role. It helps to navigate easily to different web pages of a website. 

It should be concise and legible. 

3. Strong Call-to-Action (CTA)

An impactful and persuasive call-to-action (CTA) motivates visitors to purchase or subscribe to newsletters.

Keep the CTA copy and content strong so no visitor misses clicking on it. 

4. Updated Hero Section

The Hero Section is the first impression of a website. An engaging hero section converts visitors into leads. So, It should be most engaging to keep visitors on your website for longer.

You will need to create an engaging copy with the target keyword here. The hero section is about more than just engaging copy.

5. Headings

The heading is one of the most essential elements of a homepage. It helps Google crawler to pick important information from a homepage.

Highlight crucial data to the visitors by using H1, H2, etc tags. 

6. Graphical Content

Graphical content is another must-have element for a homepage. It is proven that visuals are more impressive than copies on a homepage. So, keep visuals in the hero sections and in the other sections too.

Make sure visuals are high quality and relevant to your business website niche. Because according to Hostinger, site visitors spend 88% more time on the page with videos

7. Features and Services

Highlighting the value you offer to your customers is crucial. Especially when selling products or services and retaining their loyalty.

Highlighted features direct site visitors to take action. 

The homepage is not a page where you should write a blog on various topics but a page where you can highlight some of your services with concise words.

So keep your feature-related content clear and concise. 

8. Add Testimonials

Testimonials or social proofs, take your homepage to the next level. Additionally, the homepage is the ideal location for presenting effective client testimonials.

90% of customers admitted that they purchased after checking the testimonials of a website. 

If you do not have any testimonials yet, ask for a testimonial from your customers and enrich your website homepage.

9. Other Elements of a Homepage

There are numerous elements left behind that you can also include on your homepage according to your website niche, requirements, and value proposition. You can add a contact form, FAQs, subscription form, team introduction, etc. 

Make sure the element you are using is genuinely necessary for your homepage. Otherwise, avoid maximising your homepage with unnecessary elements.

Visitors who visit your website should be able to easily locate the actual call-to-action (CTA) without being distracted by excessive elements.

A footer is a section of a homepage that speaks about the whole site in a nutshell. Make it capable enough for visitors to visit any page from your footer. Add essential links but keep it clear and concise.

You should include important page links in your footer. For example: Sign up box, terms and conditions, contact us, privacy policy page etc.

To gather inspiration, explore the designs and examples of footers and incorporate them into your website.

How to create a homepage?

When you are building a website, homepage creation is always the priority. So, it is high time to design an effective homepage for your website with the elements we discussed already. 

Looking for a proper guideline? Look no further; I am here to elaborate the step-by-step guide on creating an impressive homepage by Dorik- the best no-code website builder.

Why Dorik?

Because it offers 60+ beautiful templates, 250+ stunning UI blocks, and 20+ elements to enrich your homepage. 

Additionally, Dorik allows you to earn from your website with ease. 

Here we can create a homepage in 2 ways

  1. With a pre-built template, and 
  2. From scratch. 

I will discuss both ways. Let's roll up our sleeves and dive in.

How to create a homepage with a pre-built template

To create a homepage from a pre-built template with Dorik, you must first Sign Up and start.

Dorik Dashboard
After signing up to create a homepage, this page will occure.

After signing up, follow the below instructions,


Choose Dorik CMS (Content Management System) ➡️ + New CMS Site ➡️ Select a Template.

Dorik Templates
Dorik Templates to create a Homepage

Now insert your CMS Project Title and Domain Name ➡️ Create.

Create New Website
Create New Website To Create A Homepage

It will drive you directly to your dashboard.

Design & Pages
Go to Design & Pages to Update your Homepage

In the Design & Pages option, you'll discover a ready-to-go website, including a striking homepage.

Now all you need is to modify your homepage according to your website purpose.

Here I am describing some simple steps to optimise your homepage,

  • Update the Nav bar according to your business niche.
Update Nav Bar
Update Navigation to create your homepage
  • Now Update Title, Text, Button, and Image of your Hero Section with your business's unique tag.
  • Now scroll down and update your features and services.
Update Titles
Update Titles to Create Homepage
  • Update your graphical content such as Video, GIFs, Animation, etc.
Update Graphical Content
Update Video to create Your Homepage
  • Update Testimonial Slider with your proven testimonials.
Update Testimonial Slider
Update Testimonials to create your Homepage
  • And lastly, customise your footer and link up with all the possible web pages.

Last but not least, do not forget to Save and Publish.

Save and Publish
Save and Publish your homepage

How to Create a Homepage from Scratch

If no template meets your expectations, you can start building your Homepage from scratch. Here I will elaborate on creating a homepage from scratch with Dorik.

Let's not waste more time on further ado and Add New Page

Add New Page
Add New Page To create Your Homepage From Scratch

Now it is time to scratch your homepage, and I am here to assist you.

  • Set Page Name and Slug. Then Save it.
  • After creating a new page, you will find something like this 👇. Now click on + Add New Section.
  • First thing first, you will need to add a Hero Section. So choose Home/Hero from the All Blocks box. And you will find a lot of blocks. Choose according to your requirements.
  • Now customise the Title and Text according to your business tag.
  • Once you completed scratching your Hero Section, move to the next one. And click on the + Add New Section.
Add New Section
Add New Sections to create your Homepage
  • Keep adding and scratching your sections according to your perspective and Homepage's must-have elements.
All Blocks
Use Blocks From Here To Create a Homepage
  • I hope you can make it happen as expected, finally. Don't leave without Saving and Publishing.
  • It is time to switch your scratched page to Homepage. Go to Pages and tap on the Home Icon like this, 👇 to switch your page to Homepage.
Switch Homepahe
Switch New Page to your New Homepage.
  • Save the change and Delete the Old Home.

Ta-Da! Your homepage is ready! 

Essential Tips Before Publishing Your Homepage

Before publishing your homepage, don't forget to consider the following tips,

Test Preview

Evaluate the appearance of your homepage and its functionalities. Before publishing your homepage, consider checking that all the functions and links are working as planned. 

Preview your homepage interface before publishing from the Preview Button.  

Preview Before Publishing your homepage

SEO Optimization

The building of websites must include search engine optimization (SEO). Once you are done creating your homepage with all the elements, focus on SEO before publishing it live. It will help your homepage be visible and rank on search engine result pages (SERPs).

Effective search engine implementation will also boost organic traffic and the online presence of your online store.

For advanced SEO setup, you can use Google Analytics.

Social Media Integration

Social media integration is the possession of incorporating social media links with your own website. It helps generate visitors to your social media to increase engagement in your business or community. You can add social media integration in any section of your homepage effectively.

Mobile-Friendly Design

55% of visitors come from mobile devices, so keeping your homepage design mobile-friendly is essential. Check if your homepage is in full swing in the mobile interface.

In the top middle section of your homepage Design & Pages Dashboard, you will find 3 buttons to check 3 device interfaces of your homepage. You also can edit from here 👇

Check Mobile Responsiveness
Check Mobile Responsiveness before publishing your Homepage

Examples of Engaging Homepage 

Here are some hot examples of home pages that can inspire you in your project.

1. Hubspot

Hubspot Homepage
Hubspot homepage example of how to create a homepage

Look at this most well-designed and engaging homepage belongs to Hubspot.

This homepage displays the product and services very effectively. They have enriched their homepage with on-the-mark CTAs, features, services, and other elements that users can navigate and explore effortlessly. 

2. Crazyegg

Crazyegg Homepage
Crazyegg Homepage Examples of How to create homepage

Crazyegg's Homepage is clean and visually appealing.

Moreover, it showcases the product's benefits clearly and offers a path for visitors to take action gracefully.

They have focused on value proposition, presenting relevant information, and engaging visitors with their homepage design.

3. Hotjar

Hotjar Homepage
Hotjar Homepage example of How to create a homepage

This homepage of Hotjar has the most engaging content on its heading with instant CTA. Right after the above-the-fold section, they enriched the interface with credential information, services, and features with amazing animations.

These elements and right-on-the-dot placement make the user journey easier. 

4. Southern Tide Media

Southern Tide Media Homepage
Southern Tide Media Homepage examples of How to create a homepage

This southern tide media is a digital marketing agency. They have arranged their homepage interface with unique visual contents.

Also, they kept their services, key features, and other information very efficiently and concisely at the same time. 

5. Search Engine Journal 

Search Engine Journal Homepage
Search engine journal homepage example of How to create a homepage

Here comes a unique homepage with a different approach to generating leads. Search Engine Journal's homepage is full of their articles.

They segmented articles by Popular and Latest blog posts. 

Moreover, the nev bar describes all the topics of the blog page. So that readers can easily navigate to their preferences and start reading.  

FAQs On How to Create a Homepage, Answered 

1. What are the homepages? 

A homepage is a website's main or introductory page that serves as visitors' entry points. 

It contains essential information, navigation menus, and links to various sections or other web pages within the site.

2. What is the difference between a homepage and a landing page?

A homepage is a static page that serves as the central hub of a website, providing an overview of the brand and its offerings.

On the other hand, a landing page is a targeted separate page designed for specific marketing goals. It focuses on driving conversions or capturing leads. 

Your Homepage, Your Story

Your home page is more than just a digital presence—it's the canvas where your brand's story unfolds. 

With the guidance of this comprehensive guide on how to create a homepage, you have the tools to transform your vision into reality.

Seize the opportunity to leave an unforgettable mark. And embark on your journey to build a captivating website with Dorik, where your unique story springs to life.

Zikra Tayab

Meet Zikra, a digital marketer at Dorik. Alongside marketing, Zikra is very passionate about technical writing for her audience. Besides, Zikra can be found hiking in the mountains or trying out new recipes in the kitchen when she's not busy writing. 

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