Search Engine Optimization (SEO) determines the growth rate of every website. In a world full of websites, how can you make yours stand out? Many questions need to be answered to understand SEO.
What does your website lack? What changes can you make for it to be considered one of the best in your industry? How far does SEO affect the popularity and ROI of a website?
These may be a few questions on your mind. But there is more to SEO than the basics. This article will be your one-stop solution for all SEO-related queries. Here’s everything you need to know about creating an SEO-friendly website.
Knowing the answers and best practices of search engine optimization(SEO) can make your website visible on Google search. Below we are listing down all the queries you might have or those that can help you get the desired result.
1. What is SEO?
Search Engine Optimization is the process of helping a website rank higher on search engines like Google. This will ensure better visibility for your business. Every relevant piece of online content needs to be optimized according to popular keywords.
If somebody types “vegan diet” into Google, they’re probably looking for vegan recipes that can be easily incorporated into a daily diet. This means that if you want your business to be found by the user faster, you need to have it ranked higher than competitors with a wide variety of vegan recipes. Your visitor should not have a reason to leave your website for any reason.
Google plays a huge role in this. Almost 90% of searches start on this search engine. SEO optimizes your web pages to meet the keyword requirements of popular searches, thereby helping to better the quality of the website. SEO makes sure that your website receives passive traffic recurrently.
SEO has three governing factors.
Keyword analysis
Content creation
Related Read:
2. Does My Business Need SEO?
Of course! If you are running a business website, you cannot afford to miss out on the benefits of SEO. It helps build long-term equity, stable ranking, and brand elevation.
Organic search can help improve a website’s overall performance and fulfill conversion requirements. SEO helps build a strong foundation and trust and improves the credibility of your brand. A data-driven approach like SEO cannot go wrong and is a fool-proof way for your businesses to be found easily by search engines.
3. Why is SEO Important?
According to Craig Campbell, 75% of all clicks are usually made from between the top five search results on engines, mostly Google. This is self-explanatory! SEO can determine our website’s position in the Search Engine Result Pages or SERPs.
It increases your business's visibility and brings forth positive traffic and opportunities for conversion. Search engines are like online stores where millions of customers walk in daily.
While it may seem that this traffic offers enough for everybody, the best and better-built brands tend to take over the majority. SEO can thus help you build targeted traffic from SERPs.
4. How does SEO Work?

SEO optimizes a website's content by taking up keyword searches and earns inbound links, which could subsequently result in better ranking. In addition to determining a website’s position on a results page, SEO helps a website improve its overall visibility.
Did you know that 71% of B2B customers start their purchase with a web search? SEO can help boost your business’s relevance and authority in this marathon among competitors. A site’s popularity on the internet is determined through search engines' search algorithms. SEO is the key to cracking these marketing algorithms to suit your website’s attributes and updated requirements.
SEO combines on-page and off-page strategies for better ROI. On-page SEO is centered on intent-based keywords, while off-page strategies include earning inbound links from other websites.
5. How Can I Find Industry-Specific Keywords Used by Businesses like Mine?
Google algorithms undergo constant updates. But with a professional team of SEO experts on board, their changes can be tracked. To land the right keywords that could help your business thrive, you could start by making a list of topics relevant to your business.
Then, approach these keywords from the perspective of buyers. You could develop a monthly search volume analysis of each keyword and likewise channel your site’s content.
Suppose the industry that you focus on is travel. The keyword density would be as follows.
Hotels (24900000)
Flights (4090000)
Travelocity (3350000)
Airline tickets (550000)
Vacation (450000)
The figures in brackets are the monthly search volume of these keywords. Once you have identified your keywords, you can begin making content with those keywords. Eventually, you could use your keyword analysis to determine your content's effectiveness.
6. Why Isn’t My Website Ranking on Google?
If your website hasn’t yet found its way to Google’s SERPs, it may be time for you to invest in SEO. This could mean a few things. Either you have missing keywords on your website or, even worse, no keywords at all! If your website lacks the required amount of content, it could affect your ranking as well.
While having no content on the website may be risky, you should also be on the lookout for not stuffing keywords into web pages. Other reasons that could affect your website’s ranking on Google include the difficulties posed by website builders that tend to make complex templates and confusing coding.
If your website lacks substantial links, it could adversely affect your rankings. Worst case, it could even contain some bad links that may be problematic. In the modern day and age, you need to ensure that your website is mobile-friendly, as not having a mobile-friendly site could affect rankings.
Read on: Best website builders to create stunning and effective websites that converts.
7. Why has My Organic Traffic Dropped?
There may be many reasons why organic traffic to your website has dropped. Your website ranking could have dropped due to fluctuating relevance of your content. Google algorithm updates could also be a reason.
Google has made around 4500 updates in 2020 alone, and experts deem that the number would have only risen in subsequent years. If this is the case, it calls for constant updating on your end.
Worried about Google updates? Check out Barry Schwartz’s solution for the same.
Search intent might change according to users’ needs. That means your website could still rank for some keywords.
However, their search volume would have decreased. It would also do well for you to inspect if you have recently made any significant changes to your website, including redesigning and/or migration.
8. What is a Google Penalty?
The complex, fast-changing SEO game could often confront you with penalties! Simply put, a Google penalty is a punishment set out by Google if your website violates any of the search engine’s marketing practices. Google algorithm updates or “Black Hat SEO” tactics could lead to a penalty.
To determine if your website has been penalized by Google, look closely at recent Google Algorithm updates. Next, analyze and cross-check your website for Black Hat SEO blunders. Black Hat SEO works against search engine guidelines by manipulating SERPs.
Rand Fishkin’s Ultimate Guide to Google Penalty Removal gives a complete overview of Google penalty removal one needs.
9. How Long Does it Take to Rank on Google?
According to a comprehensive study by Ahrefs, only 5.7% of pages could rank in the top 10 results within a year for a minimum of one keyword. These success stories took approximately 60-182 days to reach the top 10. Pages/Websites with a higher Domain Rating tend to perform better than those without.
SEO guru Neil Patel believes each site could take a different amount of time to get into high-ranking SERPs. There is no common solution for all industries to be rated high on Google. Each website would have many factors that govern its ranking fate. Nobody can conclusively tell you a time frame within which you would have ranked very high on Google.
Patel strongly believes backlinks are the final answer to help a page rank higher in less time. His data-based analysis attests that sites with better-quality links perform better and faster than those without any. Read the detailed study here.
10. What are Google’s Most Important Ranking Factors?
In 2016, Google announced that they use over 200 ranking factors. These ranking factors determine your chemistry with Google. With many algorithm updates, determining these ranking factors has been tiresome. A few of the most important factors are as follows.
Keywords in the domain name
Keyword subdomain
Keywords in content, title, beginning, body
Content length
Keyword density
Image optimization
Avoiding duplicate content
Quality of outbound links
Site’s architecture
Bounce rate
Anchor texts for backlinks
Link locations
Click-through rates
User’s search history
Search intent
Image results
Quality and count of linked content
11. Should I Do SEO, Run PPC Ads, or Both?
Pay-per-click advertisements (PPCs) are paid online ads that help businesses take probable chances to showcase their products/services near Google’s search results. You will need to pay each time a user clicks on these ads.
SEO and PPC ads influence and help businesses in different ways. SEO is an integral tool for online and digital marketing because it increases visibility manifold. PPC ads almost reach out to customers directly and help you receive the chance of immediate conversions.
In this case, if you are looking to drive more traffic to your website immediately, PPC ads may be the way to go. SEO, however, is a long-term investment. However, finding a coherent blend of the two for a foolproof marketing strategy. Together, SEO and PPC can help with targeting clicks and high-performing keywords.
12. Does Social Media Help to Increase My Website's Rank?
You would already know that social media can significantly alter sales. It acts as a central factor in e-commerce today. Social media platforms are often promotion grounds and marketplaces. They help with driving traffic and improving ranks on SERPs.
Social media profiles of your brand can pop up as search results. Additionally, SERPs allow users to see snippets and reviews from your media profiles. A brand’s Instagram and/or Facebook profiles could be a game changer in making it easily discoverable.
When Matthew Woodward experimented with ranking the keyword ‘unhealthiest foods’, he found that social media shares scored over his backlink strategy. Social media helps with better content reach; they often act as search engines for users.
13. How Much Does SEO Cost?
While you cannot put the finger on a definitive budget for SEO, costs may vary according to the service provider, the plan you choose, etc. In 2022, it is estimated to cost anywhere between $1500-$5000 per month.
If this is a one-time project, it could be anywhere until $30,000. SEO consultants could charge you a maximum of $300 per hour.
To determine the exact cost, you might want to take a good look at the different SEO services you are looking for. Costs could change according to your requirements, expectations, and projections. The cost of SEO for your business is determined after analyzing the current condition of your search presence.
The average revenue, campaign aims, etc., are other factors. Most importantly, your marketing budget will have to be studied comprehensively to define the best possible plan for your pockets and business.
Pro Tip: You can use different AI SEO tools to minimize your cost rather than hiring SEO specialists if you're tight on budget.
Check this blog to learn about creating a web development agency.
14. How Long Will it Take to See Increases in Traffic With SEO?

In a ballpark, we could conclude that it could take anywhere between 4 to 12 months to see a difference in traffic with SEO. However, this cannot be said, as your SEO strategy may significantly influence it.
You could land some solid results within six months with a low-competition keyword focus. For a completely fresh SEO strategy to work for you, it could take up to 12 months. High competition keywords could make things difficult for you, taking up to 4 years to work.
According to Pavle Radeka, the Director of SEO at CommonMind, it could take 3-14 months to get tangible results after an SEO strategy. This depends on the content quality and the competitiveness in the entire niche. The average time frame is six months.
15. Why Should I Continue SEO Once I’ve Gotten Good Rankings?
The real trick to digital marketing supremacy is the maintenance of SEO continuously. You might assume that once you have reaped the benefits of SEO strategies, your website will constantly stay on top of the game. This is a misconception.
For best SEO results, you need to have several strategies working simultaneously over a long period to drive consistent traffic to your site. If you wish to be on top of your game amongst your competitors, your SEO needs to be on its toes!
With constant algorithm changes and updates, you cannot afford to leave SEO strategizing after a single shot. Maintenance might be easier than having to start from scratch every time. You could end up missing out on many opportunities by stopping SEO campaigns. Continuing the campaign could also help your tertiary pages rank better in time.
16. How Often Do the Search Engines Update Their Algorithm or Search Equation?
Google algorithm updates are the most significant aspect to look out for in SEO. Search engines need to update their algorithms because of fake SEO “experts” who dig up loopholes in the algorithm, to resort to unfair means like Black Hat SEO for better rankings. These algorithms improve search engine efficiency.
Google algorithm updates like Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird, Fred, Pigeon, RankBrain, and Mobile have helped the search engine become the best in the market today. These updates solved problems like spammy link-building strategies, improving voice search, improving mobile-friendly interfaces, location-centered searches, etc.
As of now, after many recurrent changes, it may be concluded that Google makes thousands of updates to algorithms each year.
17. Does Traffic Affect Rankings?
Steven Peterson, an SEO expert, says direct traffic does not linearly affect on-page rankings. However, this cannot be conclusively stated. There is much confusion surrounding the influence between these two.
Search engines want to provide the best possible results to a user. According to Search Engine Journal, Google would have to measure all direct visits to a website for it to influence rankings. Google employs the data provided by Chrome to determine the number of visitors.
However, since it is easily manipulatable, direct traffic cannot possibly influence search rankings. In a Twitter thread between a user and Google, the search engine team declared that traffic to a website could not be a ranking factor.
18. What are the Most Important Google Ranking Factors?
Although there may be a thousand factors governing SERP ranking, there are a few important ones you might need to lay extra emphasis on.
On-page ranking factors: They include the kind and density of keywords in your content.
Off-page ranking factors: Advertisements from other pages to your website and/or any kind of backlinks are important.
Local ranking factors: Your business’s listings, reputation, and reviews are also important.
A deal-sealer is readable, high-quality, and relevant content consistently updated and regularly published. Remembering to include keywords in the meta description and titles along with relevant backlinks in the body of the content is also necessary.
Image optimization and keyword placement are other factors. The expertise in your niche and the level of proficiency of your website need to be accessed.
Technical SEO Questions
19. What is Domain Authority?
Every website has a Domain Authority score ranging 1 to 100. The score is calculated and run by MOZ, a search engine ranking software. The higher the score, the better your position on the internet.
20. What is Page Authority?
Every website has a Page Authority score ranging from 1 to 100. The score is calculated by a search engine ranking software MOZ. It impacts the quality and quantity of the websites linked to your web page. The better the linking the higher your page authority score will be.
21. What does E-A-T mean in SEO(Search Engine Optimization)?
E-A-T stands for the terms ‘Expert’, ‘Authoritative’, and ‘Trustworthy’. These are the things Google is looking for when trying to decide how to rank your website.
Does your website show the specific level of expertise you are saying you provide? If you do not, then you have to improve it through blogging or some other education form.
22. How to optimize anchor text for SEO?
Optimizing anchor text for SEO means using keywords as text to describe the page or the idea. Anchor text containing desirable, target keywords make the content rank on search engines. But do not over-optimize the anchor text with keyword stuffing, google will see it too.
23. What is white hat SEO?
White hat SEO refers to practices that improve search results on a SERP(search engine result page), while maintaining the integrity of the website, staying within the search engine terms of service.
24. What is black hat SEO?
Black hat SEO is when someone manipulates Google’s algorithm to improve rankings and the practice of it.
The process is deceptive, it is designed in a way that it makes Google think that a site provides more value to users than it actually does.
25. What black hat SEO tactics should you avoid?
Black hat SEO is a practice against the SEO(Search Engine Optimization) guidelines. This deceptive way is used to rank in the search engine in a very short time.
Where things like – cloaking, copying content from another site, keyword stuffing, hiding text, exchanging or trading links, buying links, and using a link farm happen. And these all things are underhanded techniques frowned upon—and penalized—by Google.
26. What method do you use to redirect a page?
301, 302, and Meta Refresh are the three most broadly used redirects.
Meta Refresh,
301, meaning "Moved Permanently"—recommended for SEO
302, meaning "Found" or "Moved Temporarily."
27. What is a local pack?
Local pack is a feature of SERPs. When a user searches with local intent it appears on the top of the SERPs. It contains three local listings and a map.
Making search simple and ranking the local business on the listing, local pack helps both local businesses and searchers.
28. What are core web vitals?
The measurement of a webpage’s overall user experience with a set of specific factors is known as core web vitals.
In the ‘enhancements’ section of your Google Search Console account, you will find your website’s core web vitals data.
29. What is the difference between on-page SEO and technical SEO?
Technical SEO involves the optimization of the ‘back end’ of websites. It involves aspects like spider-friendly code, which helps search engines access important information fast, site speed, mobile configuration, Robots.txt, canonical tags, structured data, qualified URLs, XML sitemaps, and server maintenance.
On-page SEO is the optimization of every web page aspect from start to end. Good-quality content (of E-A-T quality), meta tags and data, keyword optimization, heading tags, image optimization, etc., are the factors taken into on-page SEO’s consideration.
SEO strategies to look into both on-page and technical milieus. A website with commendable content will make sure that search engines can conveniently crawl and index pages easily.
30. What PageSpeed score should I aim for?
Having a 100/100 PageSpeed score isn’t the ultimate determinant for the best ROI. Rather than the PageSpeed Insights score, you should focus on the loading time of your website.
According to Google, a poor PageSpeed score is between 0-49. An average score is 50-89, while a good score is usually above 90. While it is important to aim high, a perfect score shall not be the ultimate goal.
By optimizing images and their sizes, using a Content Delivery Network (CDN), deferring off-screen images, and improving server response time, you can improve your PageSpeed score considerably.
31. How can I find technical SEO errors?
Perhaps the biggest technical SEO issue is the improper placement of “/” in the robot.txt file. This means that you need to constantly check the robots.txt file even after the redevelopment of a website. But there are more technical SEO issues you need to look out for.
URL canonicalization refers to multiple URLs that lead us to the same web page. ‘,’ ‘,’ ‘,’ etc. should lead to the same page. Such technical areas can be looked into by entering different versions of your home page in browsers and looking for HTTP/HTTPS versions of the site’s URLs, out of which only one is viable.
Finding broken backlinks is another aspect. Broken links could lead users to 404 pages that were migrated. Google Search Console can help with finding broken links. You can also learn about the purpose of XML sitemaps using the console. Speed is another issue you need to cross-check.
You can identify many of these errors by taking up trial runs of your website.
On-page Marketing Questions
32. Does website builder affect SEO?
When it comes to SEO, website builders do not have a good reputation. Website builders with global CDN and AWS hosting makes your website a good scorer on SEO.
Built-in SEO in website builders like - Dorik is something everyone would find compelling. Dorik makes your content appearing on the search result a hassle-free one.
33. How long should a page of content be?
A good web page would have a fine balance between multimedia and text. You can’t afford to overdo either or underplay either of the two. Normal pages that don’t contain blogs could ideally have a length of up to 200 or 300 words in content, in addition to images/video and/or infographics, if they apply.
A higher word count means Google and other search engines can better understand your web page/site. According to Great Content, Google’s top ten content-based articles are usually 2000 words or more. Ork Dork and Buzz Sumo’s study reveals that longer contents tend to receive better backlinks and shares. Blogs between the length of 3000 and 10000 tend to work the best.
34. How do I create SEO-friendly content?
A perfect SEO strategy will organize a site/page’s content by topic, which can improve its SERP rankings. Start with making a list of your niche-specific topics and accurate keywords. Remember to research the best and most popular keywords.
It is also advisable to build a blog for your business website. Additionally, make up a schedule for posting regular blogs and keeping up with them. Also, ensure that your blogs have enough links and multimedia to supplement the niche-specific topics. Ensure that your multimedia content and media files are compressed and compatible for easy viewing and fast access.
Perhaps the biggest responsibility for having an SEO plan that can’t go wrong is to be consistently updated about your market’s most popular SEO practices and trends. Consistency should be the central concern once your strategy has been established. Remember the biblical trio of SEO - Keywords, Backlinks, and Content!
35. Does duplicate content harm your website’s rankings?
Google can filter identical or duplicate content. Even if it might not lead to a penalty, the result is the same: losing out on better rankings.
Duplicate content could confuse search engines to pick similar pages to rank higher. That is, original pages and content tend to lose prominence. Duplicate content can be accessed and available on various URLs. Due to the overwhelming number of URLs showing the same content, Google would be lost as to which content to display at the top. How do search engines deal with this confusion? They end up ranking all these similar URLs lower and prioritizing original content.
While duplicate content might seem an easy route to faster ROI, it can lead to ranking lower on SERPs. This means that your website should be home to unique content. Additionally, you also run the risk of frustrating users if you keep pushing duplicate content. Therefore, it can cause some serious damage to your credibility too.
36. How do I get other sites to link to mine?
High-quality and strong inbound links from other websites can help with your Google rankings and increase traffic. Credible inbound links could easily get you to the ‘top 10’ of results. You could do a number of things to get links from other websites.
Easily the first option is to ask the webmaster for a collaboration, aka link. This may be done over a formal email, describing how the association could benefit both parties involved. If that does not seem doable, you could always offer the webmaster an exchange package wherein you offer a free service, software, and/or testimonials. This could ensure better SEO for both websites.
You could even offer webmasters to use the niche-specific content from your website so that their visitors would get a gateway to your business via a ‘resource box’ containing your website’s details at the end of the content. Nobody would be too keen on saying no to free, industry-specific content.
Building ebooks and online guides that suit your target audiences could elevate your name and credibility among webmasters. They would be keener on linking these e-books that also contain information about your website. While there are many more ways to gain inbound links, these few options are your best bets.
37. Should I focus on getting more links?
In a word, yes! However, there are no black-and-white solutions in SEO. You can hit your SEO game out of the park with a perfect blend of content and links! Links could help you build a trusted brigade of followers. Good content with no links may not score as well.
Your website has to develop a backlink network connecting you to your industry's big names. Links are incredibly helpful for SEO and keyword optimization.
Take a look at how Neil Patel advises marketers to build good-quality backlinks in a scalable way. With more links on your website, updating content will also be made easy. Links are a testament to the power dynamic you have in your niche as well.
38. Is it true that I can buy links?
Did you know that Google’s Webmaster Guidelines are not on board with buying backlinks? What does this mean, you wonder? If it is determined that you have bought links, you could face a penalty.
While it may be a time saver to buy links, there are many issues that this practice could later pose. ‘Cheap’ backlinks may be bought in bulk. However, this Black Hat SEO technique isn't favorable in the long run. Your off-page SEO could be messed up if you aren’t careful about the placement of these links within your content.
Buying backlinks could irk the spam detector in Google. This tendency is termed ‘link schemes’ that could negatively influence a site’s credibility.
39. What is PageRank?
PageRank (PR) is one of Google’s algorithms developed by Larry Page. It serves to measure the significance of a website’s pages. It counts the number of links to a page and determines its relevance. The more the number of links, the higher would be its relevance.
40. How do I analyze my competitor’s link profile?
Like determining an SEO strategy, you can begin identifying a competitor’s backlink profile by identifying the niche’s unique features, keywords, etc. Tools like Open Link Profiler and Majestic SEO can help with this. Neil Patel swears by Moz’s Open Site Explorer! By comparing your website’s link profile with successful competitors, you could also modify your SEO.
Maintain a copy of competitors’ backlinks and take notes from their inbound links. Most tools would provide you with a list of backlinks with high Domain Authority and Page Authority. You could focus on the first few at the beginning.
41. What are keywords for SEO?
Keywords are the words and phrases that searchers enter into search engines to know about their queries.
And as a content creator or website owner you want them to find your content on their search. You want to provide them the thing they are looking for, and they want their need to be filled. So it is important that you both stay on the same page.
To create content that will rank organically and bring leads, you need to understand their needs - the language they use and the content type they want.
You can do this by doing your own keyword research with tools like – Keyword Explorer.
42. What are long-tail keywords?
Keywords that are longer and with more specific keyword phrases are known as long-tail keywords. Visitors use them when they are close to purchasing a product or service.
With ‘short’ or ‘head’ keywords competition can be fierce. Your content would not be visible to search crawl. But if you implement long-tail keywords smartly, you can easily get the audience you want. It might be less in number but they will be the potential ones.
Most of the long-tail keywords have low search volume. Tools like - WordStream offers long tail keywords if you enter the email.
43. How to use keywords effectively?
Keywords are efficient for any content to rank on google. So optimizing them is crucial for you to appear on the list.
Using keywords in your contents like - meta description, title tag, heading, anchor text, image alt text, url, landing page, and etc.
All of it, ensure that you are not keyword stuffing the content. Google will see it and suspect you are just over-using keywords for SEO and not for user intent.
44. How do you do keyword research?
Right keyword can make your ranking high. When someone searches for anything on the internet they search with words or phrases, these words and phrases in marketing are called keywords. How to research for keywords —
Find out your target audience
Identify the ‘seed keywords’; one to two words
Keyword phrases - LSI(Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords.
Look into the search volume and competition
45. What tools are available for keyword research?
Using a keyword research tool can make your job easy to find the top keywords. Unfortunately finding tools that are both capable and cost-effective is quite a work. There are some amazing tools for doing research on keywords and they are –
46. How many blogs do I need to scale my business?
While quantity is not a measurement for any business to scale, it definitely plays a role on how your business will rank with existing ones. Process to follow for finding out the number of blogs your business need is –
Analyze your competitor’s content
Develop a realistic content strategy for how many you can produce
List down valuable keywords
There are no rules or exact numbers of blogs for any business to scale. It is recommended to always keep adding contents and never stop, it will keep you appearing in SERPs.
47. YouTube videos improve on SEO?
Well, YouTube is owned by Google. It makes it pretty considerable to add a video to the content. Other than that we love visual things, video provides us this. How videos improve SEO –
Generate more traffic
User stay longer
Video works as backlinks
Generate more social shares
YouTube has one of the best sites where people visit and actually stay. It is also compact with links and backlinks. So, it is crucial for any content to add video to them.
Link Building Questions
48. What is link building?
The process of collecting links from other websites to your own websites is known as link building. It is a way for users to look in between the web pages. It also works as outreach, on-page, off-page seo.
Search engine crawlers roam around the internet using links, the more you will be compact with links the more you will be an authoritative source.
Links are acquired by asking for them from potential bloggers, influencers. Or by earning them organically -if your content is amazing and link worthy.
49. What is broken link building?
One of the most popular link-building tactics is broken link-building. The process is finding a dead page and asking linkers to swap the links to a working page on your site. They will do this as they do not want the visitors to visit a resource that is not available anymore. The process for broken link building is –
Finding broken pages with backlinks
Vet them
Create a replacement page
Outreach linkers
50. What are backlinks and why do we need them?
According to Vibhu Dhariwal, Co-founder of Digital Gratified, a SaaS Link Building Agency:
Prioritize excellence in link-building; a single high-quality backlink can eclipse a multitude of average ones.
Backlinks also known as ‘inbound links’ are links from one website to a page on another website. Backlinks are kinda votes from other websites and it tells the search engine - the content is credible and valuable.
So, we need backlinks to make the search engine algorithm believe that our content is useful, credible, and adds value to the community.
51. Where do we get these backlinks from?
To get content backlinks we can start with -
reach out and build links to authority news sites and blogs,
building links from outdated resources,
use content formats proven to generate links,
publish ultimate guides,
use branded strategies and techniques,
authority resource pages,
And you are good to go.
52. What is on-site and off-site SEO and the difference between them?
The intention of on-site SEO is to make the content clearly understandable by the search engine. Key components like - keywords, titles, content, headlines, inbound link, and alt text image.
Off-site SEO is everything you do outside of your website to rank on the search engine results. Key components like - Link building, Influencer outreach, Content marketing, Forums etc.
53. What is the organic result?
Organic result is also known as unpaid result. Study shows that customers sourced through organic search are more loyal and engaged.
Organic result is those traffic who land on your page or your website from unpaid sources. The topic of digital marketing that focuses on improving organic results is called SEO(Search Engine Optimization).
54. What is a paid result?
When you search a word on Google, it provides a list of results. You would find both paid and organic results. Paid results are those in the top you see “Ad” before the listing. Companies like yours pay them to have their page show up.
55. What is a pillar blog post?
A pillar blog post is a detailed blog post. Where it covers all the aspects of a specific topic. A pillar blog post is 1500 to 4000 words long. These thorough blog posts are optimized for search engines.
56. What are snippets?
A search snippet is generated with an extract of content from a web page that is shown in the SERPs. It is drawn from search terms and metadata.
57. Does republishing an old blog post impact SEO?
Republishing an old blog post is impactful for Search Engine Optimization. Search snippets are crucial because they make the difference between a searcher clicking on your content/ website, or moving on to a more enticing one.
Snippets which are visually appealing and contain relevant information with keywords match with the search terms, searchers are more likely to click.
58. Blogging helps with SEO?
Blogging improves SEO. A right blog with focus keywords improves the overall value of a site. Blog that is high quality and relevant Google ranks it on the search engine.
A blog with links and seo optimization is highly helpful for appearing on the google crawl.
59. What is local SEO?
Local SEO is the process where we optimize business for appearing and being visible in the local search results on Google. It is optimized with IP address and geolocation.
60. What is SMO?
Social Media Optimization(SMO) is an optimization and leverage to grow a business online presence.
Social media optimization creates awareness of your business products and services and helps generate potential leads. It also saves you from damaging rumors and news about your business.
61. SEO or SMO which one is better?
SEO(Search Engine Optimization) or SMO(Social Media Optimization) both help you generate leads and organic traffic to your website.
To stay on the safe side we will advise you to invest in both SEO and SMO.
62. What is a key reason why duplicate content might cause an issue with the ranking?
One of the key reasons for duplicate content is it can negatively impact search engine optimization(SEO). Having duplicate content can become an issue with the ranking factor. Search engines like Google use algorithms to determine the relevance and authority of a website’s content.
If a search engine encounters multiple pages on a website with identical or similar content, it gets confused about determining which page is the most relevant or authoritative. This can lead to lower search engine ranking for those pages and can also dilute the link equity of backlinks. Additionally, having duplicate content makes it difficult for search engines to index and understand the structure and organization of your site.
While there may not be a single solution for all problems, there sure are ways you can work around many things.
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