The Role of AI in User Experience Design

Did you know AI can play a huge role in improving the user experience? Find out how.

by Ryan Robinson • 18 June 2024

One survey found that 74% of Americans think AI is threatening their jobs. This includes user experience (UX) designers. 

But the truth is, AI can be a valuable ally rather than a threat.

AI can help UX designers automate tasks and streamline workflows. 

You can use it to analyze user data and generate insights to guide ‌design decisions. Say hello to saving tons of time and effort in conducting manual search and analysis.

And that’s not even ‌half of it. By helping UX designers become more efficient, AI can ultimately improve the user experience.

The Role of AI in User Experience

AI can help you analyze vast amounts of data, interpret user behavior, and make intelligent predictions. 

Here are some of AI’s key roles in ‌UX.

1. Increase Productivity

Below are some of the most common tasks you’d normally have to complete:

  • Personal development
  • Analytics and insights
  • Content creation
  • Usability testing
  • Personalization
  • User research 
  • Data analysis
  • Prototyping
  • Accessibility

AI-powered tools help automate these repetitive tasks. That way, you can focus your time and energy on more creative and strategic work. 

This also ensures faster time-to-market and cost savings. 

For instance, using Dorik AI Website Builder, you can generate a complete website in a matter of seconds.


AI algorithms have also been instrumental in enhancing security measures, particularly insider threat monitoring. These algorithms analyze company network and device user behavior, tracking activities and identifying anomalies. 

This approach allows for dynamic risk scoring and vulnerability scanning, effectively identifying potential insider threats before they escalate. AI, in this context, bolsters security and optimizes workforce efficiency by providing insights into productivity patterns. 

AI in cybersecurity

Image Source:

Thus, AI algorithms play a crucial role in refining user interface and experience, ensuring a secure and efficient digital environment.

2. Improve Quality

As a designer, you can leverage AI to improve your skills and the quality of deliverables. Even though some designers feel like AI is threatening their jobs, try to think of it as an advantage to deliver high-quality results - just another tool to help you be more efficient.

For example, AI algorithms can analyze large datasets of user behavior and feedback. Use tools like mobile analytics to generate actionable insights into user preferences, pain points, and behaviors on mobile devices. As a result, you can design UXs that cater to ‌users’ needs and expectations. 

In other words, all UX designers can benefit from substantial performance gains and increased productivity. 

Here are just a few examples:

  • Enhanced collaboration and communication
  • Predictive design recommendations
  • Personalization and customization
  • Rapid prototyping and iteration
  • Automated usability testing
  • Accessibility and inclusivity
  • Automated data analysis

3. Level-Up Skill Set

Are you stuck in a rut and ready to learn something new? Well, AI can help with that as well. You can use AI to: 

  • Achieve more accessible and inclusive designs
  • Boost efficiency and productivity
  • Become more data-driven
  • Unlock creativity

Here’s an example: Let’s say you have an e-commerce platform where your customers purchase products online. 

There’s a lot that goes into ‌e-commerce user experience, including the‌ following:

  • Customer support and communication
  • Performance and loading speed
  • Mobile-friendly design elements
  • Product presentation
  • Search functionality
  • Product categories
  • Checkout process
  • Security and trust
  • Personalization
  • Navigation

Being familiar with AI algorithms can help even the most experienced e-commerce UX designers and developers learn new insights into user preferences. 

That way, you can design top-notch e-commerce sites with elements like ‌simple navigation and a seamless checkout process. The best part? It’s catered to what your audience is craving. 

Amazon uses AI to enhance customer experiences. From personalized product recommendations to voice search and shopping with Alexa, the e-commerce giant has tapped into AI in innovative ways that continually delight its customers.

Use cases of AI in Amazon

Image source:

How to Use AI Effectively UX Design

Now that you know how AI can transform your UX design processes, let’s talk about how to use it to your advantage.

1. Offer Context

Make sure you include enough background and details in your prompts to get the results you want. 

Clearly specify what you want the outcome to be. Here’s an example: If you want to create a website with AI, you can write a prompt like this: 


"A website for a coffee shop based in Bali, Indonesia,specializing in authentic Indonesian coffees like Kopi Luwak and Coffee Mandating. It must include a pricing section. Use a dark-brown color scheme.”

dorik ai website

For the best results, add relevant parameters and any constraints or requirements. That way, the AI understands the task or query. As a result, it’ll be more likely to generate more relevant and useful outputs.

Limited context can lead to quite a few problems, including:

  • Incomplete or incorrect outputs
  • Misinterpretation
  • Hallucinations

2. Ask for Options

When designing webpages, ask the AI for multiple versions. Taking this approach allows for easier editing and ultimately improved productivity.

So, ask the AI to generate designs with different color schemes, typography styles, or layout arrangements. That way, you can compare and contrast different design approaches.

Ideation is free with AI, allowing for more steps in the UX workflow. You can explore a wide range of ideas and concepts without significant time or resource investment.

Using Dorik AI, you can regenerate a full layout or section to get different variations.

Dorik AI website regeneration

3. Iterate on the Output

As you work with AI, refine your work to get the ideal results. 

Use iterative editing by selecting elements from different designs and combining them into a cohesive final product. This approach helps you save time and effort compared to starting from scratch. 

Try accordion editing to expand and contract different sections of a design to focus on specific elements for iteration.

The benefits of these techniques? 

  • Better consistency and accuracy
  • Enhanced creativity
  • Time savings
  • Scalability

4. Build a Prompt Library

Have you already created prompts that produced some great designs? Save them in a prompt library so you don’t have to keep starting over every time you make a new design.

Prompt Library

Having a prompt library ensures consistency in design language, which helps establish a cohesive user experience. 

Best Practices for Using AI for UX

Follow these best practices to maximize results when using AI for the user experience.

1. The User is Key

When using AI to improve UX, it’s all about the user.

While you control the design of digital experiences, the end user is at the center of the design. That said, privacy and security should still be a primary concern. 

Data clean rooms can facilitate secure collaboration between designers and data scientists. This allows for the responsible sharing of anonymized user data, enabling data scientists to train AI algorithms that personalize the user interface and user experience without compromising user privacy. This can lead to features like targeted recommendations, content suggestions, and layouts optimized for individual user preferences.

Data clean rooms

Image source:

2. Set Reasonable Expectations

Set realistic expectations when using AI. It not only builds trust but also sets the stage for successful adoption.

Be as clear and as transparent as possible about AI’s capabilities and limitations. Give concrete explanations of what AI can do. And avoid vague terms like “magic.”

Dorik AI site builder

3. Know When to Use People (Not AI)

AI has strong potential in a variety of UX design applications. But it’s not best for every task. In some cases, humans are the better option. 

For example, humans can better handle situations that require complex problem-solving and critical thinking.

Certain aspects of AI design can benefit from human creativity, originality, and intuition. While AI can gather data and user feedback, human designers can analyze and interpret this feedback.

Human designers also engage in an iterative design process, something AI really can’t do. Humans can continuously refine and evolve design solutions based on ongoing feedback and insights.

4. Earn Users’ Trust

Gain trust with users by focusing on the four pillars of trust.

These include: 

  • Competence: Users are more likely to trust AI products when they see them as competent and capable of delivering on their promises. Design intuitive user interfaces, implement accurate algorithms, and provide helpful guidance and support.
  • Reliability: Users trust AI-powered solutions that are reliable and consistent in their performance. Enhance reliability by designing systems that deliver predictable outcomes and minimize errors or failures.
  • Integrity: Users will trust AI algorithms if they perceive them as honest, transparent, and ethical. Uphold integrity by being transparent about how the AI system works, what data it collects and uses, and how it makes decisions.
  • Intent: Users are more willing to trust AI systems when they believe the designers have their best interests at heart. Demonstrate positive intent by making a commitment to understand user needs and preferences, gather feedback, and act on that feedback.

5. Be Transparent

Transparency is key to building trust when using AI in UX. Why? It empowers users to make informed decisions and build confidence in the technology.

So, give users the chance to understand how AI influences their interactions to promote transparency, accountability, and user engagement. 

Use AI With Caution

Due to its limitations, it’s always smart to use AI with caution. Below, we discuss some ways to ensure responsible AI use.

Training Data is Often Biased

A major limitation of AI is inaccurate or false information found on the internet. Unfortunately, bad information finds its way into training datasets.

Another thing to consider is the limited representation of non-Western culture in training data. Incomplete datasets can create some major challenges for product teams serving an international market. 

AI-driven UX design could generate stereotypes and misunderstandings about certain cultures if the training data is biased or incomplete.

AI Suggests, Humans Decide

Remember, AI suggestions and human decision-making work together. But humans are the final authority. It’s important to fact-check and verify all information and data outputs from the AI.

And while AI does a great idea of creating ideas, human judgment is key in curating those ideas.

Senior UX professionals bring strategic vision and leadership to the table. With their expertise and experience, they can filter out AI-generated ideas that don’t meet the criteria. 

They can collaborate with product managers, developers, and stakeholders to choose ideas that align with business goals and user needs.

Wrapping Up

Use this guide to learn the necessary knowledge and tools to effectively incorporate AI into user experience design.

But where do you start? You can start by defining objectives and use cases. Understand user needs, preferences, and behaviors.

Then, evaluate available AI technologies that best serve your objectives and use cases.

Try Dorik AI to start designing beautiful websites from just a prompt.


I'm a blogger, podcaster and (recovering) side project addict that teaches 500,000 monthly readers how to start a blog and grow a profitable side business at

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