How to Increase Brand Awareness: Top 8 Strategies

Do you want to know how to increase brand awareness? Here are the top 8 strategies for you!

by Editorial Team • 14 July 2023


Why do you say let me search this thing on "Google" and not "search engines"? So much so that we refer to "Googling" for something rather than "searching the internet."

Wondering why so?

It is so because Google is engrained in our minds. With over 90% of all search queries worldwide, Google is one of the most recognized brands in the world. 

Google has successfully built and maintained a strong brand awareness over the years. Similarly, you need to make your brand recognizable to stand out from the crowd. 

This article will help boost your brand awareness and help your target audience recognize and quickly identify your brand.

Top 8 Strategies to Increase Brand Awareness

People didn't start recognizing Nike in a day—it took time. However, there are tiny bits that you can do to make your small business a household name. 

Here are some brand awareness campaign strategies to help you reach new audiences.

1. Create a Solid Brand Identity

Coca-Cola is probably one of the best brand awareness examples. About 94% of the world's population recognizes the Coca-Cola logo

Coca-Cola logo

Image Source: Google

Undoubtedly, Coke's pop colors and advertising campaigns enable instant brand recognition.

Similarly, creating a compelling brand identity (including a strong logo and consistent visual elements) makes your brand easily recognizable. 

It helps your business differentiate itself, build trust, foster emotional connections, and drive brand awareness. 

2. Leverage the Power of Social Media Marketing

Do you know anyone around you who is not on social media platforms? 

We bet not!

Power of Social Media Marketing

Image Source: Datareportal

More than half of the world (60%) uses social media. These platforms have become essential for businesses to connect with their target audience. 

Engaging with customers on social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn can significantly increase your brand visibility. 

Create compelling social media posts, interact with followers, and utilize paid social media advertising to reach new audiences. Additionally, running social media contests and partnering with influencers can amplify brand awareness.

3. Level up Your Guest Posting

Whether you are a small business or an established enterprise—guest posting is a great way to amplify brand awareness and attract more customers. 

It allows you to connect with readers on popular platforms, reach a wider audience, and get your brand out there.

Ensure that you are creating content that is good and thought-provoking. By doing so, readers will want to comment and share the link with others.


Increased brand awareness and better business opportunities!

4. Follow a Consistent Brand Messaging

Let's take Nike, the world-famous footwear brand, to understand this. 

From their offline stores to their e-commerce platform, Nike has a consistent visual identity, messaging, and quality across all products and interactions. It also follows the same brand voice across all touchpoints.

 Consistent Brand Messaging (Example: Nike))

When your brand elements, such as logo, colors, typography, and messaging, remain consistent across all platforms and communication channels, it creates a cohesive and recognizable brand identity. 

It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently. 

- Warren Buffett

Consistent branding can position your brand as a distinctive player in the industry, contributing to your overall growth and success. Likewise, inconsistency can cause confusion and repel your customers away!

5. Amplify Your Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a great tool to increase brand awarenessDunkin Donuts is a prime example of successful influencer marketing. 

By partnering with famous influencer D' Amerlio to promote their beverages, they experienced a 57% surge in app downloads. The campaign also resulted in a 20% increase in Dunkin's Cold Brew sales on day one and an impressive 45% increase on day two.

Influencer Marketing

Image Source: Twitter

However, before investing in influencers, you must carefully gauge their audience and reach. Identify influencers who align with your brand voice and have a significant following in your target market. 

You can then collaborate with them to create sponsored content, host giveaways, or promote your products or services. Influencers can expose your brand to their audience, boosting brand visibility and credibility.

6. Offer Freebies

Everyone loves free stuff. When you offer your product or service for free, you get potential customers to try your product.

This is a double-edged sword that helps amplify your brand awareness efforts in two ways:

  • It increases brand visibility by capturing the attention of potential customers who may have yet to be aware of the company or its products/services.
  • It drives customer acquisition and conversion rates. When people receive something valuable for free, they are more likely to engage with you. Moreover, they try out your other products, and purchase them in the future. 

7. Implement Targeted Brand Advocacy Programs

Do you know how many customers spread positive word-of-mouth about your brand?

If not, then you must step your foot into advocacy programs. 

Brand advocacy happens when happy customers promote your brand's offerings to others. 

And guess what? All of this is at their free will!

Whether in person or via social posts–your brand evangelists spread the word about how great your brand is. 

Always remember - your brand advocates are more valuable than any kind of advertisements!

8. Invest in PPC Advertising

If you have the budget, you can run targeted online ads to place your brand in front of a wider audience. 

You may be at the top of Google for relevant queries if you do targeted keyword research. 

PPC Advertising

Image Source: smartinsights 

But wait. What if people do not click on your ad?

Well, merely seeing your name at the top of the search results is enough to make an impression. Besides, it is excellent for increasing brand awareness.

Measuring Brand Awareness and Success

What is the point of investing time and resources when you are not even measuring it?

Combining the measurement methods mentioned below, you can comprehensively understand your brand awareness efforts' effectiveness.

If you can't measure it, you can't improve it. 

-Peter Drucker

1. Track Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

KPIs are quantifiable metrics that help evaluate the success of your brand awareness efforts. Here are some essential KPIs to monitor:

  • Website Traffic
  • Social Media Engagement
  • Conversion Rates
  • Brand Mentions

By regularly tracking these KPIs, you can identify trends, spot areas for improving brand awareness strategy, and measure the overall impact of your marketing effort.

2. Conduct Surveys and Market Research

Surveys and market research provide valuable qualitative insights into consumer perception, awareness levels, and preferences. Here are a few approaches to consider:

  • Conduct surveys to gauge the level of brand awareness among your target audience. Include questions about brand recognition, recall, and association with specific products or services.
  • Gather feedback from your existing customers to understand their perception of your brand. Ask questions about brand attributes, customer experiences, and brand loyalty. 
  • Stay updated with industry trends, competitor analysis, and consumer behavior through market research.

3. Monitor Social Listening

Social listening involves monitoring online conversations about your brand, industry, and competitors. Using social listening tools, you can gain valuable insights into consumer sentiment, identify customer concerns, and discover opportunities for engagement. Here's how you can utilize social listening:

  • Brand Mentions
  • Competitor Analysis 
  • Customer Feedback

By incorporating social listening into your brand awareness measurement strategy, you can gain real-time insights, improve proactively, and foster stronger relationships with your audience.

FAQs on How to Increase Brand Awareness, Answered

1. How long does it take to increase brand awareness?

The time required to build brand awareness varies depending on industry, target audience, marketing efforts, and competition. While it may take several months to see significant results, continuous efforts and adjustments are needed to maintain and raise brand awareness.

2: What is the role of social media marketing in increasing brand awareness?

Social media platforms provide businesses with a direct channel to reach and engage with their target audience. By effectively utilizing paid and organic social media, you can build brand awareness, form a community, and foster customer relationships. 

Adapting a brand awareness strategy to changing trends requires staying updated with industry news, monitoring consumer behaviour, and being agile. Regularly assess the effectiveness of your strategy, and embrace new technologies and platforms. Lastly, be willing to experiment and innovate. 


Creating brand awareness is a continuous effort that requires a well-planned strategy, consistent execution, and adaptation to changing trends. 

By implementing the different brand awareness campaigns outlined in this article, you can elevate your brand visibility, attract new customers, and establish a strong presence in the market. 

But always remember, Rome wasn't built in a day. Similarly, brand building takes time, persistence, and a deep understanding of your target audience. 

Whatever strategies you choose, ensure they are appropriate for your brand and customers.  

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